Saturday, November 14, 2020

"Talking with yourself" →"SelfーTalk" → Allows for "Meta Cognition"


Can implement right away!

Easy ways to gain confidence|

Happiness psychology



Easy ways to gain confidence 




Self talk!!!

Talking with yourself 


The more people have confidence, the more confidence they have 

and once you start self-talk, their troubles become smaller and their confidence grows. 


Tips for self-talk to increase your confidence 

Talk to yourself like you're talking to your best friend 

Encourage them "You'll be okay" "That must have been tough" 

Praise them "You did great today!" "You're pretty kind you know" 

Support them "Don't worry about it." "How about we sleep early today" 

Give them a shove "Let's get on with it" 


Even more effective self talk 

Self-talk while looking at yourself in the mirror 

This will increase your ability for meta-cognition (seeing yourself from the outside) 

There is another you diagonally above you 

You can see yourself as if you are out of your body =gives you margin 

Give the self-talk a name 

This will increase your ability for meta-cognition



In my conversation with Mr. Kitahara the subject of  ・・・


"putting our life on the line" 

 It's often used as a metaphor "I'm risking my life" 

But there is a certain air that people who are doing so actually have. 

When I was living in Kobe, 

Okada-san who was living in the same apartment at the time, went on the Paris-Dakar Rally. 

A few months later he returned from riding in the desert, 

and he was glowing like an actor. 

"Risking yourself life for something" really has power. 


We also talked about its better to have "money and muscles" even if you are older. 







Match information from Satoshi Ishii〜〜〜♪



■Mental Seed online seminar

"What is happening now" 

is due to "the seed you planted before" 

that is "sprouting now". 

So ・・・

How can we plant "good seeds"? 

How can we minimize the effects of the "bad seeds"? 

For more details, please attend the online seminar! 




Free content 
"Takumi Yamazaki☆Secrets to Motivation" 


【Delivery schedule】
11/17  "The biggest risk of a leader is not being excited" 
11/19  "The 2500 years of Day and Night 
11/21  "The Day time business is the happiness industry 
11/23    "People who can think for themselves can create work" 
11/25    "What you want to be conscious of" 
11/27   "Received prayers for Bashar's book" 
11/29   "Placing importance on 'what you are feeling'" 
12/1     "Reviving the physical sensations when you are doing good"
12/3     "Difference between coaching and teaching" 
12/5     "4S is effective"
12/7    "What does it mean to be in high frequency?" 







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All growth is "rapid growth"

Why not get back your freedom? The freedom to not work.....”FIRE " (Financially Independent Retire Early)

What improves every illness was just ◯◯

Understanding the intracerebral drug, dopamine!

Your "checklist" now, is what will realize your future "wish list"!!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s