Thursday, June 30, 2022

5% input, 95% output. The fastest changing people do both keeping and breaking out at the same time!

at Kioicho Hall
Classical Concert☆☆:*:*:*:*
Famous Opera pieces
Opera Gala Concert 2022 
~With Noriko Shimizu, Electone player~


Satomi Ogawa (Sop), John Ken Nuzzo (Ten), Kei Yonashiro (Bar), Noriko Shimizu (E-Org)
Bizet: "The Bullfighter's Song" from Opera "Carmen", Puccini: "Nobody Sleeps" from Opera "Turandot", Mascagni: "Interlude" from Opera "Cavalleria rusticana "

Fun conversations with Mr. Arai!


This will be the last of this style of conversations! 

I had so much fun〜〜〜



The Pleasures of the Body


You can't lie about pleasure・・・



I always learn about the body here〜〜〜




Wao, Comachi-san!

COMA-CHI officialCOMA-CHI's OFFICIAL Youtube Channel!!! COMA-CHIに関する様々なコンテンツをお届けします。 twitter: instagram: facebook:https://www.faceb…リンク



With MR. Takahashi





Thank you for the fun time! 


After all


This is it!


It is better to learn 95% and transmit 5% than to learn 95% and transmit 5%.

The best way to learn is to learn 5% and have an output of 95%!

To learn

it's important to use your own mouth 

to express it to someone else!




Shuhari is a term used in kendo, tea ceremony, and other arts to describe the stages of training. "SHU (mamori)" is the stage of faithfully following and mastering the teachings, kata, and techniques of the teacher or school. 

The "HA" (break) stage is the stage in which one considers the teachings of other masters and schools, adopts what is good, and develops one's mind and technique. 

In the "RI (breakaway)" stage, the student leaves one school and creates and establishes something new and original.


The fastest changing people do both at the same time!





Power lunch!(lol)

Power coffee!!!

Grateful to everyone in each region!



Oh! My doodles lol〜〜〜



Please have a safe trip back to LA〜〜〜


Oh my gosh!

Such a great activity~!

Alternative School "Ansha" in Kiryu City

A "place of learning" in an old railroad car / Gunma

ひとinぐんま:桐生市のオルタナティブスクール「アンシャ」代表 倉嶋仁美さん(39) 古い鉄道車両に「学びの場」 /群馬 | 毎日新聞 桐生市内で4月、子どもたちの個性を尊重した教育を実践するオルタナティブスクール「アンシャ」を本開校させた。教室は、わたらせ渓谷鉄道の使われなくなった車両だ。フランス語で猫を意味する校名の通り、小中学生が自由に学べる場所を目指す。リンク




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Why do you blame yourself?Other people will blame you when you need it.

My Instagram teachers is "TAE"






This is for real. If you start something, it is important to throw something away. When you start something new, look back at your daily life and throw away what you don't need. We have unconscious bad habits. Now is the time to get rid of them for the second half of this year. To let go is to win.



When I opened this e-mail kind of like a lucky charm. 

It said...



Let go of thinking about things "financially."
Let the financial be the result of honest, sincere desire to be and to live so that OTHERS may know the way also.
GOD giveth the increase.





We can think of "money" as a "byproduct"!



1)Why do you blame yourself?Other people will blame you when you need it.


      That's right.

  You're being blamed for something before you even know it. 

  Do you only want to be "all affirming" about yourself?

       Or also be "all affirming" about others too. 

  I reflected on that yesterday〜〜〜


2)I never think of the future, it comes soon enough. 

There is pressure to think ahead.

  But the "here and now" is what is important, right?

  I'm thinking about having more leeway in my schedule.


3)A person who never made a mistake never tried something new

       Challenge = experience of frustration, right?

  So think of it as "proof of being a challenger.

  Let's be proud of our setbacks〜〜〜


“Common sense is nothing more than a deposit of prejudices laid down in the mind before you reach eighteen.” 

Common sense = prejudice.

  So, "Stay foolish" 


5)The only difference between genius and insanity is that genius has its limits

        It means that geniuses have "limits.  

  That both geniuses and fools have accelerators.

A human's value is made up of what he gives, not by what he has gained. 

     The value of a person is in what he/she gave. 

  Did I do that today? !



7)The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. 

The more you learn, the more you learn, the more you dwell on preconceived notions.





 "30 Quotes" by Einstein. 

God never rolls the dice.







Rainy season is over?!

近畿など北陸から九州北部が梅雨明け 各地これまでで最も早い - LINE NEWS今日6月28日(火)、気象台から北陸地方、近畿地方、中国地方、四国地方、九州北部地方の梅雨明けが発表されました。昨日梅雨明けした関東甲信地方、東海地方、九州南部に次ぐ梅雨明けで、東北地方リンク


Water shortage is bound to happen. 


The rainy season ends in Kanto Koshin, Tokai, and southern Kyushu 

Shortest rainy season in recorded history (Mainichi Shimbun)



Billy Eilish to perform in Japan, but...

Tickets are shockingly expensive!

ビリー・アイリッシュ“来日公演”決定も…高額チケットに悲鳴「流石に無理」 - まいじつ世界を股にかけて活躍するシンガーソングライターのビリー・アイリッシュが、8月26日に有明アリーナにて来日公演…リンク



I heard this restaurant is delicious?!
「ひとすじ 岡山」
酒場 ひとすじ (西大寺町/居酒屋)★★★☆☆3.03 ■信・愛・輝◆この瞬間を大切に、手作り料理と最高のおもてなし“ひとすじ”の西大寺町駅チカ酒場 ■予算(夜):¥3,000~¥3,999リンク


I wanna go here〜〜〜

This movie?!




I didn't watch TopGun yet. 

Also, I wanna watch Plan 75〜〜〜




Tatsuro Yamashita's "LOVE'S ON FIRE"

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Tuesday, June 28, 2022

"God, please use me." "What you are asked to do is what you are being tested for"

God, please me〜〜〜


To be able to live like that, try ・・・

accepting and saying yes to everything that comes to you. 

Fumiaki Nakamura said, 

"what you are asked if to is what you are being tested for"

When it comes to me, I immediately accept it.


Then, without struggling, striving or overcoming, 

you'll just have gotten on the flow and be carried along by it. 


Yesterday was "Arai-san's birthday party"?

 It was a large gathering of people who are refining their souls~~~!


Nana Tanimura was there, wearing taumania's hoodie!

What a pleasure. Thank you! Please check it out 





Makes me happy!!!

Thank you!

This panel was at the venue?!(lol)

It was also a gorgeous venue〜〜〜



Everyone looks so happy 〜

I was moved by Mr. Arai. He's wonderful!


Moving from one place to another was fun too〜〜〜

Thank you everyone!

All the performances were amazing too!




↓↓↓I'll post yesterday's photos here afterwards ↓↓↓↓↓


I'd like to do a seminar on how to use Takumi Yamazaki's keynotes. 




Kiyo Shimizu in the car・・・

So cute・・・

But when she does Karate she transforms into someone else (lol) 



Grateful to everyone in each region!


Thank you!

Thank you Turles!


From Yumi-san in France・・・

She said she's going around by camping car〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s