Saturday, February 27, 2021

You may get bored of all work, but all play will bore you too


 I want to live a good life, 

Yet there are times when I 

just want to let it all go. 

When I was 25 

I was hung out to dry from my work industry 

and when I was all alone, 

somewhere in my heart actually felt happy 

I felt, I don't have to try so hard anymore〜

So I bought a car with my girlfriend and went on the road・・・

We went on a journey south, to catch summer's tail 

We caught the last bits of summer in Tanegashima 

Crossed over to Yakushima and enjoyed a long long summer 

However, after 2 months I found myself bored of the freedom. 

All work can get boring 

but all play can get boring too. 

Tension and relaxation!!!

Like a sauna and water bath?!(lol)

Empty stomach and full stomach?!



That's what I'd like to share here〜♪



A movie co-starring Ferran Adria and Guston Agree the chefs of the legendary restaurant "El Bulli" ↓↓↓



ペルー・サベ : 作品情報 - 映画.comペルー・サベの作品情報。上映スケジュール、映画レビュー、予告動画。ラテン地域を代表する2人の有名シェフの食を巡る旅を追ったドキュメンタリー。かつて世界で最も予約が取れないレストラン...リンク

 ↓↓↓Text info ↓↓↓

世界のトップシェフに聞く食の未来!ガストン・アクリオさん | 料理王国遙か遠くの夢を見て焦らないこと。我々も最初から立派な店が持てたわけじゃない。  地球の裏側、南米ペルーからG9メンバーのひとりとして来日したガストン・アクリオ。日本で彼の名前を知る人は少ないが、ペルー料理の伝道師として、...リンク




(3 minuts 45 seconds)



What are the points in common?!




Don't take too much time to get started! 

Do it right away! 

Move right away! 



Hidden technology!?

Free energy, the 

What is the truth about STAP cells?!



All the dolls sold out〜

Is there anyone else who wants it〜


Please contact the TAKUMANIA page




タクマニア - 「いいね!」274件 · 10人が話題にしています - タクマニアグッズリンク


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Friday, February 26, 2021

Your prayer could be.....“Let this or something better happen”

Are SMART goals old?!


What are SMART goals?


目標設定の5つのポイント「SMART」とは? | GLOBIS 知見録目標設定の仕方を変えるだけで社員の意欲が沸き、会社の雰囲気も変わります。会社の明暗は目標設定で決まるといっても過言ではありません。目標設定を成功させるには、その掲げた目標は誰が見ても明確であることが重要です。私は明確に表現するために不可欠…リンク



Write or express in specific words in a way that whoever reads it can understand 


Can your imagination actually limit you?! 


Allow yourself to accept the unknown


Focus on "how you will feel" 

Instead of "specific", focus on how you feel when you achieve the goal 

and pray "Let this or something better happen〜"


Quantify and make the goal measurable so that you and your boss can measure it 


Emotions are important. They are our rocket fuel. 

Allowing ourselves to be swayed by those emotions is a waste. 

Instead, set MTO's   (Taku style is ABC Goals) 

M=Minimum (what you will achieve no matter what) 

T=Target (your actual goal) 

O= Outrageous goals (when everything you do goes outrageously well) 


Allow yourself to be happy if you reach your minimum 


Confirm whether your goals is not only a hope or dream, but whether it is realistic and achievable


How are you going to change the world? 



50% chance of success 50% chance of failure 

Google has a 60% success rate 

Giving permission and room for failure. 


Confirm whether that goal is relevant to your work or company's goals. 


Confirm your beliefs 

Is that dream really your dream? 

Or is it someone else's dream?! 


50% of the lawyers in the USA suffer from depression?! 


Set a deadline of when you will achieve your goal 


This doesn't account for magic/spirit 

Trust synchronicity and that intuition and spirit will help you find your way 


Put your RAS to work 

Embrace the power of spirit and mastery. 

Use your insight and intuition

Level 1

Break the brules (Bullshit rules) 

Question them 

ex) I'll only be loved if I'm thin or beautiful 



Shift your identity !

Change your way of being 

ex) I want to lose weight →I am an athlete



Become an icon! 

Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Elon Musk




What experiences do you want? 

How do you want to contribute?

How do you want to grow? 

List up the feelings you want to experience



You become unfuckwithable 




Letting go 

Going with the flow  





Follow your own goals! 

Not those given to you by others 


Growth is the goal 

No matter happens, you will grow 



Being is the goal 


What you need will come to you 





Positive Optimism 



Creative Visualization 





Thank you everyone in LA

Thank you for the wonderful treatment

When two people cause α chemical reaction〜〜

I'm fascinated by this Olymlpian 〜〜


Thank you so much!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Having "crazy dreams" Realism is the deciding factor! Let's use our RAS ♪

Takumi Yamazaki's LINE@

Here it is!



Being in the field!!!

Noticing the walls in your heart!!


See your goals with reality 

Then your RAS gets working!!!

↓↓↓About your RAS ↓↓↓


You don't need the HOW〜〜〜


If your goals become real 

the how will come to you 〜〜〜


Your crazy dream!!!


If you are bound by the HOW

you'll be bound by the past !!!



Everything starts with your thoughts !!!




Having crazy dreams!!!



↓↓↓Please listen to this〜♪↓↓↓





So much to learn from it〜〜〜


Going to "ICHIOKU" in Roppongi soon ♪


六本木 トーフステーキ一億1968年創業。移り変わりの激しい六本木の地で50年間変わらぬ味でお客様に愛され続ける店。ミッドタウンから徒歩2分という好立地ですが、裏路地にあるので知る人ぞ知る、まさに穴場。ランチには『マグロの生姜焼き丼』や体に優しい『無農薬玄米定食』がおすすめ。仲間と本物の味を気取らずに食べていただければ嬉しい限りです。飛沫防止対策、対面シート設置、消毒や検温など基本的…リンク

Today I had lunch with Mr. Hiroshi Morinaga

Ai, thank you〜〜〜♪



 Eiko Ishioka



QI BAISHI(1864-1957)

↓↓↓Loved by Picasso・・・



Mambo Box 3-1PAN DURO (Yuichi Sato)vol.1




Actor・Hidekazu Akai, 60 years old 

Teary cheery message 




Thank you〜〜〜

Nakaya-san is wonderful〜〜〜!!!


Culture festival of helping!(lol)


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s