Friday, November 13, 2020

Why not get back your freedom? The freedom to not work.....”FIRE " (Financially Independent Retire Early)





Financial Independence Retire Early 

Live while playing with money 



Freedom mind 

Many of us think we work to live・・・

Trading our skills for money 

But we can eat now 

Why do we keep on going? 

To grade up our lives! 

=this is a lack mindset (feel like you are starving) 

The author of this book saved 100 million yen by 31 

and retired!!!


Why not get back your freedom?!

Your freedom to not work 

Do what you want to do ・・・

After you gain financial freedom!!!


Thinking of 

Achieving your dreams 


and giving life your best 

as one. 


Work is work 

Life is life 

Dreams are dreams 




Take out expenses from income 

Invest the rest 

We all put off the investment 

The real order is 

Think about expenses first!!!

How much are you using?!

Think of investment after!


*Buffet Taro   Money machine  

*Money classes   (Your own home/insurance)  

Money machine and income 

Live within 4% of the amount you are investing 

Then 30 years the principal will be kept (95%) 


example)Save 10 million yen 

             Live within 4 million a year 



The modern portfolio theory 

A combination of the US  Index investment and bonds

Rebalancing is effective 

Comes back in 2- 5 years 


Create a cash cushion 

Bucket system 

40% bonds 

Index stocks 


Investment cash 100 million yen 

Cash 20 million yen 

Live within 4 million 


*Babylon billionaire's teaching 

If you follow this, you can get there within 30 years!!!


Live doing what you love〜〜〜♪

Live playfully!!!





Motivation coaching

Thank you! 

LINE VIDEO TALK -thank you! 

It's been almost 14 years since we met?!(lol)



Nematodes and flies are known to be able to

extend their lives through fasting !!


Slow down aging→Extends life 


How interesting✨✨


↓↓↓Fasting is amazing〜〜〜↓↓↓

What fasting does for the human body 

(1)Proteins that slows down aging are activated 

(2)Cells are cleaned 


(3)Promotes nerve health



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s