"Concerns" ="Attachment"="Your hearts response"
The heart continues to want=That's the human heart
1)Confirm the state of your heart with your words =Labeling
ie→ I feel irritated, I feel disquieted etc.
Take a step away and give distance from your emotions
2)Place the focus on the outside of the heart
ie→ How your hands and feet feel or focus your breath
Walk outside and look at the clouds, exercised or do strength training
3)Classify inside your head
Classify your desiring heart (3 poisons) Greed/Anger/Delusion
Get rid of unnecessary reactions
↓↓↓Take a neutral position ↓↓↓Look at things correctly =The right way 1〜3
Troubles can be erased! "Troubles" = "Attachment" = "your heart reacting"
If you are suffering, it is because you have "attachment" If you can be positive, its because you have "joy"
New information disclosed about Pianica release !!!
Miho Senno
Commentating as Yamaha's pianica artist!
Miho SennoTRIO
No audience LIVE
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- Performers: Miho Senno TRIO
Miho Senoo(Kenban Harmonica) Atsushi Abe (piano) - Motohiro Shionoya (percussions)
- Date:Nov 16th, 2020 (Mon)
- Time:Start 20:30
Please perform this number〜♪
The trees that listen to Bach are able to
release water smoothly and perform well ・・・
Mysterious story I heard this from Princess Kawakami yesterday・・・
I would love to see the wood factory in Kirishima〜〜〜♪
The cookie right before your eyes・・・
If you have patience (and don't eat it) you can have more.
Could you wait?!
The adults who proposed it ・・・
Could you believe?
Or not believe?
That hugely influenced the results!

Let's learn from Mr Mochizuki's mail magazine〜♪
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s