Monday, July 27, 2020

If you are suffering, it is because you have "attachment" If you can be positive, its because you have "joy"

To you who are struggling

Through this Buddhist method, many of your struggles and troubles will disappear! 

(Practice to not react)

8 troubles
・Troubles about daily life 
・Troubles about aging 
・Troubles about getting sick 
・Troubles about death 
・Troubles about someone you dislike 
・Troubles separating from someone you love
・Troubles of not getting what you want 
・Troubles of the human heart and things not going as planned 
"Suffering/Troubles" ="Attachment"="The heart reacting" 
This is the source of almost all troubles of human kind
The heart that continues to desire joy    Creates 7 desires! 
Desire to survive
desire for sleep
desire to eat
desire to be lazy
desire for approval
desire for sex
desire for pleasure

The reactions of the heart continue to create "joy" and "dissatisfaction"!
Even if you gain "joy", you have this desire once again that creates "dissatisfaction".

Although we cannot stop this reaction in our hearts completely,
we can stop the reactions that lead to struggles and troubles! 

"Stop the negative chain reaction of the heart" 

The heart continues to desire/want=That's the way of the human heart
Life need not be absurd or irrational
we should live wonderful lives filled with joy. 

1)Use words to confirm your state=Labeling 
  example→I am irritated. I feel discomfort etc.
      Place distance between you and your emotions. 

2)Move to focus to outside your heart 
  example→Focus on how your hands and legs feel or on your breath
       Go for a walk outside, look at the clouds or exercise or work out 

3)Classify inside your head 
  3 Classifications of your hearts desires (3 poisons)
  Greed/Anger/ Delusions (foggy) 
Get rid of unnecssary reactions
↓↓↓Take a neutral stance ↓↓↓ See things correctly =To do that, follow 1〜3


【The difference between those who succeed quickly and those who don't】
SUGOI! Way of Learning  vol .11 Takumi Yamazaki 〈 Business College〉



DJ AOI, fantastic! 


Can you change your life even from your 30's?

There are many people who see the age "30 years old" 
as on some kind of edge of a cliff, 
and unnecessarily flounder about, 
and are for some reason in despair

But it's very rare to find someone who has their life complete by the age of 30
People are still for many reason still problem children 
and are still just children who have gotten good at pretending to be adults 

30 is still just young chicks

Compared to a flower, really just a bud
Hardly even close to the edge of some kind of cliff 
Life has only just barely begun

You see no future? 

Of course! That's to be expected 
At 30 there is still a long ways ahead of you 
It just shows how young you still are. 

If you're 30, you can re-do life at least 5 times 

10 years one life At 30, the times you can change going forward
compared to the times you've already changed 
is many more. 
Being in despair is just cheeky

Yesterday many of team gathered!