Saturday, February 22, 2020

What did you decide on most recently? What was it about?

Yesterday was a talk explosion in Okayama!!!
What everyone showed interest in was・・・

The words from the genius junior high school student


Gen. Z?! A generation that will find their own right for themselves...

Talk about escaping dualism・・・
Form Is Emptiness
Emptiness Is Form

"Shikisokuzekuu   Kuusoku zeshiki" 

「Form Is Emptiness, Emptiness Is Form」
From:Zen words for the heart, Norman Waddell

The hole in the donut →There's the donut and the hole. Just the hole never exists. When you want it it disappears 

What you think exists 
is actually only an illusion. 

That's why where you think there is nothing 
everything can truly exist. 

And ・・・

Use it
Tell others about it 
Let the money flow in!

A goal that excites you 

Using all your talents to the best of your ability 

Not getting attached to the results

Then, live as if it's already happened! 

Tea ceremony at the table. 
Thank you! 

Tomorrow I'm going to "Nana Okazaki"'s stage show! 
I'll be going to the show at noon!!!


Success is・・・

not a "talent" but a "habit" 
Good human beings or people with high specifications
Of course, its better if you are a good human and if you are talented, all the better.

But in reality, 
it's your habits. 

its your habits along with your emotions!!! 

Emotions="I'm doing this〜"
Believing that =you can, even if you can't

At first, those around you may laugh
but as soon as you start getting a little bit of results・・・
the reaction of those around you will change drastically. 

So, let's start with the small habits. 

In the morning, brushing your teeth while listening to positive talk on YouTube... 
While you're going to work, reading 10 pages of a book?! 

↓↓↓There are also 4 habits to making decisions↓↓↓

We will learn from Takamasa Ikeda's mail magazine〜!

■4 keys to making decisions that will change your future 

Changing your life is in your "decisions" 
No matter how old fashioned that saying is, it's the truth. 

There are many people who say "Yeah I already know that decisions are important." 
However, there are hardly any people who can answer right away when asked the next question. 

"When was the most recent decision that you made? What was it about?" 

For some people, it may have been the decision to participate in "The Game Changer" that will be hosted next month. 

There may also be many who "want to go but...." and can't take action. 

I will prove to you in March that the decision you made was right, so please be looking forward to it. 

So as you can see, there is a big difference between knowing the importance of your decisions, and actually deciding. 

It is also the difference between "those who change their lives" and those "whose lives stay the same." 

No matter how disadvantageous of a situation you may be in now, 
and no matter how crazy the dreams you have may be, 
or even if you are in a situation where you wonder if perhaps even destiny is your enemy, 

"your decisions" will be what will change everything. 

Making decisions, 
will awaken your mind to decide your own destiny. 

Decisions will 
help you to focus on the things you can change, on the things you can control, 
and not complain about the things in life that you cannot change. 

No matter how much information you have around you, 
No matter how many excellent brains are on your side, 
No matter how much happiness and good luck is right before your eyes, 

"..As long as you do not decide, your life and your business and your relationships will not change." 

Conversely, no matter how disadvantageous of a situation you are in now, if you can decide, your future will change. 

Even if you want to decide, there are many times when you can't. 
Decision aren't something to be made on a whim, or a mood swing. 

Deciding is a skill. 

Reflect on these following 4 keys

●Key to deciding 1:There is no wrong or right decision 

There is no wrong or right decision. 

However, many people get stuck thinking about "whether this is the right decision or not" and get into a state of "decision numbness" . 

Even research showed that no matter how big a decision may seem, 
what impacts the final result is only about 6% (for most things, its only 0.6 or 0.06%)

In other words, the impact of one decision is hardly as much as people imagine it is. That's why, what's more important is the following. 

"Keep on deciding until you can say that you were right" 

Key to deciding 2:Focus your decisions on "what you can control" 

In life and in business too, there are such things as things that are outside of your control. 

In many cases, situations outside of you or the lives of others, you cannot control. 
But you can control what goes on inside of you. 

That's why, 
making a decision to "double sales" is hard to make, 

however, its possible to decide to "do everything I can do double sales." 

Deciding to "have your client say YES" is hard, 
but it's possible to decide to "spend 3 hours giving my best to make material that will help the client to say YES"  

What things are up to you in your life and business? 

Key to deciding 3: Decide towards the "future" not the "past" 

Deciding means "choosing the future" 
However, what many people are doing is "remembering past mistakes and failures." 

If you decide on your past experience whether you "have confidence or not" 
your stress levels with heighten and make it difficult for you to decide.

Deciding means choosing/taking the "future". 

What kind of a future do you wish for? 
What kind of you do you wish to be? 

If you have made the same decision in the past and "failed", then learn from it. 

What didn't go well, is also proof that you took action and challenged yourself. 

Remember the words, "Losers call it a mistake, and winners call it learning" 

Key to deciding 4: The power to decide is something that grows like a "muscle" 

The power to decide is like a muscle. 
In other words, if you use it, it will grow, and if you don't, it will weaken. 

Extraordinary people, have a habit of creating a plan for the day and setting goals every morning. 

By doing this, they decide "this is how I will spend my day" 
and decide to "give their best to make it come true." 

How about you also start with 2 small steps. 

Let's start with writing out 2 things that you will decide that "you will do." 

Greet others, or read a book on the train, or take a bath or things like that are fine. 

The repetition of "ok, I've decided!" is what will strengthening you decision making power to change your future. 

"Making decisions" may seem like a very basic thing, 
however, it is absolutely necessary whether you are already successful or things in your life are stagnant now, so I decided to write about it. 

Even if you know that you can change your life if you decide to, 
it's very rare to find people who can make decisions on their own. 

Even worldwide athletes, there is not a single person who has succeeded and become top in the world on their own. 

How can any person learn to make decisions for success. 

I'll talk about this next month at the next 1 day focused seminar "Game Changer"

※Both days have few seats left, and we will not increase sits after its full. 

I hope there will be some hints for you

Takamasa Ikeda 

Yesterday was Osaka・・・
It was incredible!
Incredibly full and incredibly steamy!!!

Thank you everyone
