Friday, February 14, 2020

The hole in the donut →There's the donut and the hole. Just the hole never exists. When you want it it disappears

Today's meeting with Maruchan was beyond amazing〜

Do you know about "Nonduality" ?!

Humans birth "discontinuous ideas" 70,000 times in 1 day.

It's like "the bubble of beer"・・・
continuing to be created forever.
The true you exists in the space between the "bubbles" and the "bubbles".

In the past, I had a friend called Souei Makino who went for Tibetan esoteric training,
and he said, "Don't think that what you think is who you are." and it surprised me.

If what I think or what I think about isn't me then...?!

Here and now・・・
This world exists through the existence of your consciousness.

Story (past →present→future)is the product of "dualism"
The existence that observes that  is "me".

We get attached to our thoughts and think that's us.
But if you focus on your senses/feelings you can exist "here and now"

I said, "that means to let go!"

And Maru-chan said,
if there's no subject, you can't let go right?! (lol)
even that was dualism.

Because there's nothing there is also everything.
We are playing our own game of creating limits.

A game of being rich
A game of having a problem
A game of comparison
A game of denying things etc.

We are enjoying it,
but before we realize it, we are the subjects.
We start thinking that it is our own life.
That's where attachment begins.

Creating a distance, psychologically from the story,
and observing the story from a quiet place.

If you live like that,
then you can feel the space between reality and yourself.

Not really trying so hard.
But still, things are flowing smoothly
A slight dissatisfaction with the lack of effort....
Just like in golf when the ball flies further when you relax more,
I felt all powerful, like I was overflowing with power.

When I was listening to this,
"I felt the (extra) strength leaving my body"
"my body felt a little numb"
"my brain felt a little spaced out"

Is it possible that this was the default?
I wondered, "Maybe this is the true me?!"
Perhaps I was too caught up in outside consciousness to realize this.

It's a feeling of letting go of attachment and observing reality from a peaceful, feeling good space〜

From 3:30 min


"Non-Duality" =Everything is one!!!

Using your "body" to "feel" each "moment" 
Using your 5 senses.
Our thoughts rise up moment by moment.
Let it sit in your stomach!

There is no future or past.
There is no you or other person
There is no separation.

The hole of the donut 
There is a donut. 
And there is also a hole. 
There is not only a hole. 
If you wish for it, it disappears. 


"Who am I?" 

Whatever has a beginning
also has an end.

However ・・・

Returning to self
Giving yourself back your power
And experiencing reality from there

I joined "SUGOI academy"
and after that, joined Fujimoto-kun and Koichiro Shimizu for dinner.

Tomorrow I have "Ningen Doc" (full body check up) so it's too bad I couldn't eat! 

Good luck Yakiniku !!!
東京都港区六本木3丁目13−6 ウィンド六本木 1F


The "values" that we have..... Did it come from your past?!

What about self-centeredness. Where did it come from?
Wanting to look good?
Thinking it should be a certain way?

"Heart school" 

There are only two 
・A beautiful mind 
・A suffering mind 

In modern society "the suffering mind" has spread!
How 90% of humans can live with "a beautiful mind"!

When your consciousness goes towards yourself "suffering"
When your consciousness goes towards others "beauty"

4 things that cause you to lose connection 
・When you choose "your hearts wounds"over "love" (want to heal your wounds) 
・When you choose "criticism" over "understanding" 
・When you choose to "receive" over "giving" 
・When you choose being "right" over "happiness" 

Fujimoto-kun and Oshima Keisuke are excited about supporting this ↓↓↓

Today's "SUGOI Academy" !!!

↓↓↓For details↓↓↓

It's a seminar where you can learn 

・SUGOI Way of Talking 
・SUGOI Way of Earning 
・SUGOI Way of Learning 


I'm thankful for the support by those in each region


From Brazil!!!

DJ  Hisashi Yamada