Yesterday was Super Yamazaki Academy @ Sendai・・・
The afterparty was great too (lol)
Thank you always!
There are so many great hints in Toshitaka Mochizuki-san's mail magazine!!!
■ People grow with moderate noise
┌1)A "sakura (Decoy)" .... broke down
conventional thought patterns
「Where do you imagine the word 『緑 (en) 』came from?」
This is a very common psychoanalysis test.
The answers that come back are surprisingly similar.
If you ask 100 people
40 will say "grass" "nature" and
40 will answer a different color.
However, the interesting part comes after this.
In 1995, Charland Nemeth released in her paper the results of a certain experiment about "the Differences in Recognition, Attitude and Judgement."
Experiment 1
Show blue slides to a group of subjects.
The result・・・
80% of the people said "sky"
or another color or gave other conventional associated answers.
Experiment 2
Next, they put in a "sakura (decoys)" into the group of subjects.
These decoys, when shown the blue slides would
purposely say, "I see a different color!"
and surprise the other subjects.
After that, they asked the subjects besides the decoys again,
for their free associations.
Instead of saying "blue" as they did before
more creative responses would come up,
such as "jazz" or "jeans".
Nemeth tried this experiment at mock trials, meetings, university seminars, in over 10 different scenarios and got the same results.
┌2)A moderate amount of noise helps people grow.
About innovation, TED speaker Steven Johnson
commented on this experiment in his talk.
"When someone around says blue paint is green,
or defends an obviously guilty subject,
technically speaking,
it means that inaccurate information has been added to that persons environment."
"However, thanks to that noise,
other people become smarter and
innovation increases."
"It truly causes people to rethink their biases,
and forces them to consider another model
where perhaps the blue paint is green."
For us to live,
we absolutely need security and safety.
But in order to live a better life,
that on its own is not enough.
It's important to go into unstable situations
that will require emotional adventure.
Seminars are the same as well.
Our teachers and staff, and those who come to support after completed our seminars,
provide both a safe environment to learn, as well as calculated noise.
This is why so many people are empowered to change their reality.
People actually grow with a moderate amount of noise.
Thank you for reading today too!
Reference for today's episode is as below.
With gratitude.
"Where Good Ideas Come from" P.156-159
Published in 2013 by Nikkei BP Marketing
Author: Steven Johnson
Translated by: Shunsuke Matsuura