Friday, October 18, 2019

Listening to "the truth of the person" is important. Because people live in a world that is a projection of what's inside."

Sendai yesterday was exciting〜

I had lots of fun!


 "People live in a world that is a projection of what is inside" 

From Yoshioki Noguchi's mail magazine・・・

There was a old man sitting 
at the entrance of a certain city. 

There came a young man from 
a neighboring city. 

The young man asked the old man. 
"What kind of a city is this city? 
What type of people live here?" 

The old man replied, 
"What kind of city did you come from, young man?" 

The young man said, 
"The city I came from had many bad people.
It was a horrible city." 

The old man said, 
"This city is the same." 

The young man looked at the old man suspiciously, 
and entered the city. 

And soon enough, 
found what the old man said
to be true. 

A while later, 
another young person came along 
and asked the old man. 
"What kind of a city is this city? 
What type of people live here?" 

"What kind of city did you come from, young man?" 

"The city I came from had many kind and considerate people.
It was a wonderful city." 

The old man said, 
"This city is the same." 

The young man thanked the old man, 
and entered the city. 

And soon enough, 
found what the old man said
to be true. 

This fable is often told in seminars etc, 
so you may have heard it before. 

We do not see things as they are.

We attach meaning to things, and look at things through those meanings. 

We project what is on the inside (our heart) 
and see what we project.

In other words, we are experiencing 
what's on the inside 
through the outside world.

That means that we cannot experience what is not already inside of us. 

For example,
when we look at a flower and are moved by its beauty, 
we are projecting the "beauty" that is in our hearts, 
and feel that it's "beautiful" 

That "beauty" is in our hearts. 

Animals or insects can see the flower,
but cannot feel the beauty of a flower.

They aren't moved by a flowers' beauty. 

Because in the hearts of animals or insects, 
there is no philosophy of "beauty." 

In other words, 
this means that in the world of animals or insects, 
"beautiful flowers" do not exist. 
(Of course they still exist as plants) 

Us humans also, 
when we are trapped in some kind of obsession, 
or our hearts are full of competition or combativeness, 
we may spend life without 
noticing the beauty of a flower

At those times, "a beautiful flower" does not exist
in the world that we live in.

We live in a world that is a projection of what is on the inside. 

We live in a world that projects  "how we are" inside our hearts.

When the people around us
all look like they have good intentions, 
its when the good in our hearts 
is projected on to those around us. 

When the people around us
all look like ill-intentioned people
its when the ill in our hearts 
is projected onto those around us. 

In physics, 
there is a viewpoint that
"All humans live in one objective world." 

the viewpoint could be that
"Each person lives in a world in which their subjectivity is projected."

If each person, 
is living in a world that projects their own subjectivity, 

this would mean that, 
"There are as many worlds as there are each one of us" 

In other words, the world you live in, 
and the world the other person lives in, 
are in fact, very different "worlds." 

However, we think that

"the world we see is one objective world" 

and misinterpret, thinking that the other person is also living in that objective world (which is actually the subjective world that you are seeing) 

It's because of this that the other person's 
"way of seeing things or feeling things" looks distorted. 

Why we say things such as: 
"What are you looking at? What are you thinking? If you knew the information I provided you, the result is clear. Why can't you understand that? Can you not see reality? Your way of "seeing things" is distorted." 

is because we this terrifying and mistaken belief (^^;


"The other person must be seeing the same world as I do. Since there is only one world." 

Once you realize the truth that, 
"The other person lives in a completely different world from you, 
and is seeing a different world than you". 

then, you will be able to have a deeper respect and reverence for 
what the other person "feels and sees" as "something immeasurable to me." 

Jung psychologist Hayao Kawai said, 

「When you listen to others, it's important to 
"listen to the truth of that person."

Since it is to be expected that the "truth to me" 
and the "truth to another person" is different, 

it's important to let go of the idea that 
"I'm the one that objectively sees the true reality" 

and respectfully take time to listen to "the truth of the other person." 

Today I talked about projection of your inner world onto your outer world. 

I trust that this will benefit you in some way.


This is really it! This is what I'm talking about. 

We all tend to think that the  "world that we recognize" ="the real world." 

But what we need to change is not the "outside world" 
What we need to change is "the world inside of us〜



    is a great fountain

 of authentic knowledge. 

  Benjamin Disraeli, British politician 

From Noda-san's mail magazine・・・

I want to travel〜
Yes, I want to travel・・・

I want to go on a trip that will take me outside the box〜



If God were to support your business, what would be the reason?

If, God were to support the success of your business, 
why do you think He would do so? 

What would God see in you or in your business, 
that would make Him want to reach out His hand to help? 

Think about this freely. 

Ken Honda

Thank you for today!