Thursday, October 17, 2019

Rise above the "troublesome" just a bit, and your life will change

Today from morning I met up with Cante Flamenco dance Aika-san and Uichi-san! 

For hand written digital note and schedule management・・・
I heard that 「GOOD NOTE5」is good. 
I was able to download 2020 schedule 
Just gettin' ready! (lol) 

And an introduction from Toki-chan・・・
I met Yuji Arakawa-san. 
We did a recording on "Himalaya" today so I'll be announcing that soon. 

A multimillionaire who runs 50 ramen shops・・・

Yuji Arakawa-san's homepage↓↓↓

「Becoming friends with God」↓↓↓

They'll send you gyoza〜How nice!


Next month I'll do an "ASA TAKU" with him in Osaka! 
Why do successful people place importance on Shintoism and Buddhism? 
This will be on the 10th of November (@Umeda TSUTAYA) 
Please write it in your schedule book〜

I asked, "What is God?"
and Arai-san said, "a projection of yourself." 

Once a day, 
before eating. 
They all give thanks in front of the Buddha. (as a family) 

Rise above the "troublesome" just a little it, and it will change your life. 

It was a great conversation. 
Next time I go to my home town, I'll go visit my ancestors grave〜

The closest shrine・・・
A shrine within 20 minutes・・・
A shrine that is 1-2 hours away (one-way) ・・・

By going to pray/give thanks regularly, 
it helps to set multiple barriers. 

Ok, off I go to Sendai !