Sunday, October 29, 2023

Keeping asking yourself, "What is the best thing?" X to become a "full-fledged" dating app next year!

Discussion with Daisuke Yosumi @UP&UP




Calculate the minimum cost of living for you!

= Minimal Life Cost


What is the best? Keep asking yourself "What's the best?"


What is the moment that really moves you the most?

Do you want to do it even if it costs you your life (=time)?


Deliver to those who need it.

Don't take a cheap deal.

The crystallization of blood and tears.



We visited here from morning. 

Ryujin Shrine。

We all gathered in Nara!

A fun time has begun!

We travelled with two buses!

There are so many deep spots in Nara!

White Party!



Grateful to everyone in each area!







X to be a "full-fledged" dating app next year,

Musk Says In-House - Reports (Bloomberg)




俺は、君のためにこそ死ににいくを観る | Prime Video





We had a meeting for a picture book


Produced by Takumi Yamazaki

A picture book series is ready〜〜〜



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s