Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Are you suffering alone? That's actually a bonus period!!!!


If the reality of your current existence・・・

makes you feel bothered or confused


Instead of thinking about it theoretically

or thinking about it emotionally.


Try seeing it or feeling it as a physical sensation.

Observe it, feel it, sense through it. Feel all of it. 


If you do that, 

it will eventually disappear. 

It's like magic, isn't it?


I explained it here


So much starts from your relationship with your mother. 


山崎拓巳『母との関係性の中に 大きな宝が埋まっている。ワーク例「怒って母を罵倒する」』  昨日は笠村さんのセミナーに参加! 大きな気づきがあったよ。  この世との関わり方・・・基本は「対お母さん」にある。 そりゃそうだよね。赤ちゃんにとってお母…リンク


Want more specifics?!

↓↓↓You can experience it here↓↓↓

山崎拓巳の「凄いことは アッサリ 起きる」ブログ -2ページ目リンク

If you want to feel and experience it, 

please join this! 


Marie Kondo now has 3 children and has confessed she has 

"given up a bit" on tidying up. 

This queen of tidying up has prioritized spending time with your family 

over tidying up!!


こんまりこと近藤麻理恵さんが「片付けを諦め部屋が散らかっている」報道、欧米メディアが次々後追い記事(週刊女性PRIME) - Yahoo!ニュース 著書『人生がときめく片づけの魔法』は世界40か国以上で翻訳され、シリーズ累計1300万部を超える世界的ベストセラーに。 リンク


For me, it is important to

I realize that the most important thing for me is to enjoy spending time with my children at home.


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s