Friday, January 27, 2023

Let's just enjoy experimenting! 30% of the results is fine, just do it 5 times faster!

 Words that stuck with me today




What is "fashionable"?

"a sense of discomfort with a twist"...


 That's what catches people's interest


Make sure it doesn't become a "pun".



It was a wonderful group of people~~~!


Oyama's Assembly



Thank you very much!




Thank you for yesterday! 

Akio Hiramoto often watches videos of animals on tiktok and other social media.

Them being predators, raising their young, defending themselves from enemies....

In most cases, the female is protecting them.

He said the father is often useless (lol).




Unlike the humanist point of view

If you observe human beings as animals

the answers become surprisingly clear!


My life from now on, 

I hope it's somethig like 

Tokyo (and all over Japan)

Tokyo → NY →PARIS → Tokyo

I would like a life like this〜

Resorts in Bali and Hawaii.


I also want to sing, 

so I'm imagining/visualizing

where and who is there・・・


I want it to be a quietly concert, like for 20~30 people

With a seminar-like element


A place where the past you can meet the present you

and a place where you can live your future life gently.


I will be the background music of your life.


That's how I have lived my life.

 I want to live like that


Let's experiment more and more

and do it with ease!

30% of the results is fine, 

Just do it 5 times faster!


The number of times you can test your hypothesis is key!

90% of things are in a black box.

Towards the 60th birthday.

Maybe I'll start taking a documentary from now?!


Perhaps a unique stage on my 60th birthday party?!


Film, video

Stage, play

Live music and dance!

I want it to be like a 


A Comprehensive Arts Festival!



A mini-concert has been decided. ha!



↓↓↓Short video↓↓↓

ソフィー / 作家 on Instagram: "1/27 「地上最強夢実現グローバルサミット」 今回こちらのイベントでは、 夢実現プロデューサーの山崎拓巳さんが、 「貢献するこそ夢を実現する極意」についてお話してくださります✨ いつまでも子供のような好奇心を持ち、 どんな時でも、自分自身そして人々の成長のために 努力を惜しまず どんどん新しい世界へいって 夢を実現させ続ける拓巳さんの秘訣が、聞いちゃいます!!! ぜひ、このチャンスを逃さないでくださいね🙌 参加申込みは、プロフィールか…24 Likes, 0 Comments - ソフィー / 作家 (@sophie.mentalseed) on Instagram: "1/27 「地上最強夢実現グローバルサミット」 今回こちらのイベントでは、 夢実現プロデューサーの山崎拓巳さんが、 「貢献するこそ夢を実現する極意」についてお話してくださります✨ いつまでも子供のような好奇心を持ち、 …リンク

Thank you



I always end up nodding my head deeply

when reading DJ AOI's newsletter!


Communication that is liked and communication that isn't

Not only only relatives, but also older ladies at work,

the type of people who are disliked (avoided) are

the ones who impose their own values on others.

Perhaps they are just talking to you because they "want to get along with you".

The only reason they are talking to you is because they want to get to know you, which is why they bring up  marriage or children.

But if you want to get along with others, the best thing to do is to listen to them

but the type of ladies who are disliked are the ones who 'talk about themselves".

For example, if you're starting your communication by 

 "Are you thinking of getting married?" 

and you introduce yourself by saying,

"I'm not thinking about it right now because I'm too busy with other things." 

If the person is willing to listen to you without negating what you say,

they give off a good impression. 

But if instead they open their mouth and say, 

"Hurry up and get married," or "Marriage is good!"

If it becomes an imposition of values, it's hard to then disagree, isn't it?

Even if it's something as meaningless as 'How are you?"

just that one point difference of "whether they want to talk or whether they want to listen" separates whether they are liked by others or not. 

I am uncomfortable with communication that feels like an imposition of values,

 but it doesn't mean that talking about marriage or love is not a good idea or that I don't want to. 

If they were my peers or juniors, I could tell them, 

'You shouldn't communicate that way.'

But with older women, it's very difficult to point out the problem.

So we have no choice but to cry ourselves to sleep.

We can do nothing but silently dislike them.

We have to look back on these people as opposite to our role models.

Let's keep this lesson in our hearts, along with the feelings of dislike. 

"When dealing with people, it's better to listen."



Rui Hachimura played his first game for the Lakers, scoring

12 points and 6 rebounds...also talks about the reason for his number "28".

八村塁がレーカーズで初出場、12得点・6リバウンド…背番号「28」の理由も語る - LINE NEWS【ロサンゼルス=帯津智昭】米プロバスケットボール協会(NBA)、ウィザーズからレーカーズに移籍した八村塁は25日、本拠地でのスパーズ戦で移籍後初出場を果たした。約21分半プレーしリンク

The Lakers' number 8, which was worn by Kobe Bryant, is a permanent number. Regarding the change in his number from "8" to "28" during his time with the Wizards, Hachimura said, "I've always been the number 8 Hachimura. I knew it had to have an 8 in it for me, and since my birthday is February 8, I thought it would be a good choice."


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s