Friday, October 28, 2022

”To live is to enjoy the futility”, and ”everything is just right for you."


Carefully savor every day life. 

Start with happiness. 


Your words don't carry heart.

People talk as if they were hugging you.

Your mother has never hugged you?

I'll give you a hug.

In the rush to efficiency

why are you in such a hurry to live?


To live, 

means to enjoy the futility


If you want efficiency

The most efficient way is to die 

as soon as you are born.

Do you feel happiness when you are breathing in

When you are breathing out. 

Do you not feel happy about it? 

Happiness to be able to take a step forward

Japanese were the best at feeling this. 


Professionals who feel small joys

That's the Japanese.


Only the Japanese and Polynesians

Hear the sound of insects as a pleasant melody


Listen with left brain and language brain

Do you have people around you who can say positive things about you?!

That's what determines your life.


The biggest words that can push a person forward are

"I believe in you!" 


As you repeat failure over and over again

Failure becomes a full house


Don't hide your failures

Show children that even adults fail

It's human, isn't it?

It is important for people to be human

As we grow up, we should live like human beings


What it means to live

it's to enjoy the futility


To play and find joy in small things


Every little thing is not to be taken for granted. 


Enjoy the wind from the dryer

Enjoy it the very most! 

Holy wind, come on out!


When you can carefully savor it 

One can weep tears 

by merely the wind of a hair dryer! 

Japanese, please remember this

and go on ahead〜〜〜

ひすいこたろうスペシャル!「ひすいユニバ」公開講座「奇跡が向こうからやってくる生き方」。想定外なハッピーを受けとろう。 - ひすいユニバWith ひすい こたろう, たっちゃん 辰島佳寿美 and ueda shogen, hosted by ひすいユニバリンク


"Galactic Idols"

The idols that makes the galaxy shine




A friend forwarded me this mail magazine!


"Everything is just right for you" 


Face the morning sun, close your eyes, and after 20 to 30 seconds, your eyes will turn [red]. The ancient people understood that this was the color of the sun. 

And when your eyes turn red, that happy hormone [serotonin] is produced in large quantities in your brain.

Please try it with your eyes closed. It will help your body clock will return to normal.



Today's "Antenna of the Heart" is

Think about "just right" and

and try to increase the sensitivity of your reception.


The words of the Buddha say

"Everything is just right for you."


Everything is just right for you.

Your husband is just right for you.

 Your present wife is just right for you.

 Your children are just right for you.

You have the right parent for the right person.

Your current siblings are just right for you.

The friend you have now is just right for you now.

The job you have now is just right for you now.

The day you die is just right for you.

Everything is just right for you‼️"


 "It's not working the way I want it to.

Why doesn't it work the way I want it to?"



"Everything is just right for you‼️"


You're yelling, getting angry, being overbearing.

【You're just mistakenly thinking you're great.】


I️ decide everything.

Everything is just right for me‼️




Everything is just right for me ‼️.





Update "Latest Study History" today.



This movie is so good〜〜〜



The hottest, leading film critic, 

Reiko Kitagawa raved about it!

ユウサミイ『映画評論家北川れい子さん「大満足、ぜひ観てもらいたい」の絶賛。天満荘の三姉妹、いよいよ明日公開!』友人から「天間荘の三姉妹、載ってるぞ!」と連絡。本日10月27日発売の、週刊新潮、の107ページに、1ページ記事で、  あの、映画評論の重鎮北川れい子さんによ…リンク




Tenugui Hand Towel

now on sale from takumania~~~!


Michiko's design

 is so cute! 〜〜〜〜



Chibisan's book is wonderful!



ついつい買っちゃいました‼︎/100日マラソン続〜465日目〜「講演会・zoom出演のお知らせ」崔燎平先生×ロハロハちゃんねるコラボTシャツおなかの中から保育園応援SHOP 本のご購入はこちらから↓↓【...リンク



Takumi Yamazaki↓↓↓

愛しくて楽しくてたまらない人生を生きる3人のSTORY|廣田あやの|想いをつなげる人|noteこんにちは!ストーリーライターの彩乃です。 ついに8/27から、私もメンバーとして携わっているMe手帳のクラウドファンディングがスタートしました!(Me手帳についてはこちらの記事より) 「昨日より 今日のわたしが輝く手帳」Me手帳 note|廣田あやの|想いをつなげる人|note 2022年8月27日よりクラウドファンディングスタート!たった一…リンク




Yoshinori Noguchi 's seminar


【Middle age Crisis】

It's the experience of loss that benefits life. 


Dr. Jung says to

divides life into the first half and the second half.

He calls the age around 40 [the noon of life].


・The challenge in the first half of life until around 40 years of age ➡️Establishment of the ego (self-acceptance)


・The challenge in the second half of life after 40-50 years of age ➡️Self-realization

Noon of life

It happens around the turn of the millennium, around the age of 40.

A powerful event that changes the values of your life dramatically.


 An dramatic event that makes you think, 

"If such an event had not happened

I wouldn't have changed my sense of values"


Jung calls it 

【Middle age crisis】

【Midlife Crsis】

At the think,

How could this happen!

Oh, my God! It's the worst. 

But in'll think,

"I'm so glad that happened!"



What is a schema?

A "schema" is a belief that lies deep in the heart, in the back of your mind. 


Non-adaptive schema.

Schema that causes difficulty in living.



People who have the schema that,

 'People shouldn't hate me!'

Think they must not be disliked, and 

they become more rigid in their thinking.



(There is also a schema that it is easy to live. 

"It's better if people don't like me!" (e.g.)



doing→the act of doing one's own doing.

having→academic background, work results, grades, achievements, influence, talent

being→ one's very being, one's life, just as it is



★Not doing or having, 

but accepting 《Being》


【Calming down 】

is exactly what it sounds like. 

When one falls to the point of no more, one arrives at the right place.



★No matter how much you have lost.

Even if you think you've lost everything.

There is always something that remains.

That is the treasure that lies at the center of you.

Your life, your self as it is➡️Being!!



All-rounders ➡️.

Always try to control people as you want them to be.

➡️People gain the ability to accept many things by experiencing failure and loss.



Build tolerance to accept things that don't turn out the way you want.】


I am such a tiny person.

The world is big.

Nature is great.



★The Night and Fog 

by Dr. Victor Frankl

【Every life has meaning.】

【You can create the meaning of your life. 】


When people are faced with problems and difficulties, it is tempting to ask

"what is the meaning of life!" 

However, we are the ones who answer, not the ones who ask.

We create the meaning of our own lives.


People have the ability to endure considerable hardship, but they cannot endure the loss of meaning in their lives."



'One has the capacity to endure considerable hardship, but not the loss of the meaning of life.'"







[Shadow] ➡️.

An emotion that has been subconsciously suppressed, a desire or disposition that seems undesirable to you.

When it manifests itself through projection onto someone close to you, you want to change it!

Yosa Buson

➡️"If there is mud, bloom the lotus flower.

Only when there is mud, a precious flower blooms.

Trouble and awareness are a set.


Transpersonal Psychology

Rather than aiming to solve individual problems as in conventional psychology, it targets the common problems of humankind and divides what Jung calls the collective unconscious into the pre-personal unconscious, which can be called the memory of humankind's past, and the transpersonal unconscious, which includes the future possibilities of humankind.




Yakult's King on the verge of a hard-fought tie loss Ma.

Kugaf's first nightmare in series history, his third loss in total.





Record of 244,940 Elementary and Junior High School Students Not Attending School

...Corona's expansion "makes it difficult to find the motivation to go to school"

小中学生の不登校、過去最多の24万4940人…コロナ拡大で「登校意欲わきにくい状況」 - LINE NEWS全国の小中学校で2021年度に不登校だった児童生徒は、前年度から2割以上増え、24万4940人で過去最多となったことが27日、文部科学省の問題行動・不登校調査でわかった。20万人リンク




This morning we had a meeting about oracle cards!

Late last night too lol
In Kokubuncho, Sendai...

Fun friends gathered!

Thank you!

Was finally able to meet you〜〜〜

韓国カラオケ居酒屋GOGO【ネット予約可】韓国カラオケ居酒屋 GOGO(韓国料理/韓国料理全般)の予約なら、お得なクーポン満載、24時間ネット予約でポイントもたまる【ホットペッパーグルメ】!おすすめは韓国酒場の雰囲気の店内は、ドラム缶テーブル/カウンターを完備!宴会や女子会に是非♪ カウンターで一人のみももちろん大歓迎★スタッフと楽しく飲む夜なんてのもいかがですか?※この店舗はネット…リンク




Looking forward to your e -book〜



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s