Thursday, May 12, 2022

"Rejoice like the person → × Rejoice as the person→ ◯" "Experience and savor the emotions in advance!"

●When something good happens to someone 
→Rejoice like the person ❌
→Rejoice as the person 🟢
This is the right way! 

Experience and savor the emotions you'd feel in advance. 

What you want to experience is the emotions anyway, 
→So go ahead and experience it first. Then the reality of it will follow. 

Conversely, if you try too hard, your vibrations will align with it "not having come to pass" 
so you'll attract the opposite. 

What emotions do you want to experience? 
What from the past excites you? What made you happy? 
What would be something that would give you that same experience? 

Express that joy and celebration and shake it into your body! Embody it! 

Had a reflection meeting with Mr. Kitakon the other day~!


Thank you very much!

I forgot to take a picture~~ lol



I received the memo from Yumi-san〜〜〜


Have you used Quick cleaner?!

I want to hear your thoughts on it or your reviews of it〜〜〜

It deletes duplicate addresses and photos! 



Google, conversation interpreting function

new glasses-type terminal 

米グーグル、会話翻訳機能の新眼鏡型端末を開発者会議でお披露目 (ロイター)[11日 ロイター] - 米アルファベット傘下のグーグルは11日、同社の眼鏡型端末の最新版で、多言語の会話をリアルタイムで翻訳してくれる試作品を開発者会議「グーグルI/O」で動画を通じリンク



Next there will be a DCI seminar on 



We will be doing a pre-IG seminar on this topic!


Since the theme is so good, 

probably alot of people will want to join?! 

The topic is PARTNERSHIP

"Relationship secrets that 99% of people don't know" 

Meeting a wonderful person, how to develop and nurture your relationship with that person, 

and the secrets to having a long-lasting relationship that is overflowing with love. 

Those secrets were hidden in 2500 year old Wisdom. 


The time has finally come to reveal it!!!


On May 18th from 20:00 we'll do a IG live !!!


↓↓↓This is the seminar〜〜〜↓↓↓

DCIG course 4 【見つけ、育み、そして愛する〜完璧なリレーションシップの秘密〜】物質的な成功は、個人的な、あるいは仕事上の素晴らしい人間関係を持たなければ、あまり意味がないのです。レベル4では、特にパートナーシップにフォーカスしながら、幸せな人間関係を作り、維持し、深めるための4つのステップの使い方を学びます。 ​開催日程:6月3日(金)、6月4日(土)、6月5日(日)、​6月11日(土)、6月12日(日)リンク





DJ AOI says this too〜〜〜〜




There is a difference between the person you like and your preferred type



Everyone more or less has their own "preferred type/preference" 

of people they like but it  doesn't necessarily match up with the person they end up liking. 

Some people's "types" focus on outward appearance, 

others place importance on personality or internal feelings, 

and others value the financial aspects. 

But the person you like 

There may be many others who look better 

many others who have better character

or many others who are financially better off 

but there is only one of that particular person. 

They become a one-of-a-kind. 

What attracts you to that person? 

It's the existence of that person itself, you are attracted to the very life of that person. 

That's why even though they age or their outward shape changes, 

or if they fall ill, 

or even if all of their hair falls out from side effects of medicine, 

or their personality changes because of it, 

or you are told they only have a while longer to live 

as long as that person has life 

you can continue to love them until the end. 

There is no rhyme or reason to falling in love so there is no point in trying hard. 

Love is not about trying hard, 

so be careful not to think of it like hunting. 

If you match as people, then you should be able to find the best relationship for the two of you. 
Even if that's not a love relationship 




Tonights IG live was so fun too〜〜〜

↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↓↓↓



"Thoughts on what laughter brings to the table" 


Something new happens "the moment you laugh" 

Did you laugh today? 

The happiness that  "laughter" attracts. 


◆May 17th (TUE) from 19:30〜21:30



Thank you for our time today. 

I hope to visit your private bar another time! 

Kaori's older sister!!!

I learned about her work as a poet/song writer!





NAOKO-san will publish a picture book on June 2nd・・・


Let's support her〜〜〜

Will do a LIVE performance〜〜〜

Is anyone looking for a psychic?〜〜〜〜

Check out this LIVE=



Hiromi FUJIDO, thank you so much! 






So many eye-opening things. 


Organs are the best computers in the universe! Talking to your body is talking to God! In 2021, the year of the Corona Disaster, this is a book you must read!


Connecting with your body is the quickest way to enhance your natural healing power, and also the quickest way to regain trust in yourself in this social networking society where we are so easily swayed by outside information. When you connect with your body, your inner voice, your intuition, begins to work.


Dialogue with the organs is a dialogue with the subconscious mind.


Your body

loves you

from the time you were born.

It has been working all along with dedication.


Mr. Hisui's talk is interesting: 〜〜〜〜







Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s