Mr. Azumi contacted me.
It was great timing and a terrific message.
He asked me "Is your awakening progressing?!"
Some people don't know what "awakening" means・・・
I hope you can see it as an "awakening of consciousness".
These things started to become clear around the end of last year.
They started to spread around from the beginning of the year and spread quickly in April.
Our industry is extremely fast-paced.
It started early and spread fast.
"It's not about trying to do something, it's just putting your consciousness there" he said.
I could feel his great energy through the phone.
It is as if we have accessed something great and the energy is coming directly from it.
It is truly a state of "THROUGH ME"
Like a pipe directly connected to the Source
Awakening has begun.
It begins when you look at it that way.
It begins when the RAS is activated.
In fact, the world looked different after I hung up the phone.
I've got eyes that see differently.
It's what I've always used.
It's just a bigger engine.
But I'm still using the old one.
I just have to change my mindset/consciousness.
Things go well, even while I'm sleeping.
Everything is moving faster.
He said, "Taku, you're behind already!"
It took me by surprise!
Thank you!
We'll do a free seminar. Please be looking forward to it 〜〜〜
Tomoko Saina's first book, "What you don't actually need" will be published on May 17th.
We will hold a live webcast from May 17 to 21 to commemorate the publication.
Common theme: "Restart"
Today's theme: "Live happily and abundantly in the present."
Guests: Mr. Yasutaka Horiuchi and Mr. Takumi Yamazaki
Yasutaka Horiuchi Profile
□ Representative Director of LDM Association, Inc. President of Synchronicity Management Inc. He is a researcher of the sixth sense and a "LIVER", which became popular when he started live-streaming on Facebook, reaching a total of 1.3 million viewers in one year.
He has been presenting his works in a next-generation way, creating book manuscripts, seminar contents, etc., from planning with his viewers. He developed the "LDM (Life Design Method)," which helps people realize their ideal life through their unique sensibilities and abilities by honing their inspirational abilities, and has had more than 7,000 participants.
He has devised a business and work system that allows him to work two days a month and spend the rest of the time with his family, leading a free lifestyle.
The theory is systematized in "Synchronicity Club," an online community where people can experiment, observe, and experience the "next generation social system," has become popular among managers and owners who want to learn it.
He is the father of two daughters. He is the author of "The Law of Synchronicity Money" (KADOKAWA), "How to connect with your best partner" (WAVE Publishing), "Synchronicity Management for Dream Fulfillers" (Sunmark Publishing), etc. For the latest information,click here :
□斎名智子「ほんとうは、なくてもいいもの」出版記念キャンペーン <書店購入キャンペーン>
☆誘導瞑想音源プレゼント <書店購入&感想シェアキャンペーン>

Takumi Yamazaki's Seminar Information
Will put it all in one place here 〜〜〜〜
Yesterday with Kento!