Saturday, August 28, 2021

Will someone please act on my behalf? To make this world a better place... by God


God has things He wants to do, too.

However, God is also very busy.

It's not easy to get around to it all. 


So, there is a need for a messenger to take God's place.


Will someone please move on My behalf? 

 to make this world a better place...


Yes, sir!

Please use me


This is how people who serve God showed up. 

God gave power to such servants

and turned this world into a wonderful place.




Yesterday's Clubhouse was really great〜〜〜



God, please use me. I am ready!


I was interested to know more about the "Heartbrain" 

so I looked it up more


The heart has 40,000 neurons that monitor hormones, neurotransmitters

as well as the pulse and blood pressure. 

The concept of the "heart brain" was proven in 1991 by Dr.J.Andrew Armour


The heart has a small brain.

This brain starts the heart moving.

and is connected to the cerebrum through the nervous system.

It has been revealed that they exchange information with each other.


The function of the cerebrum is greatly affected 

by the messages transmitted by the heart.


We have an energy field around our body.

In general, the term "aura" seems to have become normalized among the general public. 

However, there are several layers to it (more on that later).


the heart is surrounded by a huge energy field (torus-shaped) with a diameter of about 2.5 meters.

This aspect is may not be generally accepted just yet.

The magnetic field generated by the heart is up to 5,000 times stronger 

than the magnetic field of the brain.


【The heart converts wishes into electromagnetic waves】


We have a habit of thinking too much with our minds.

We have a habit of thinking too much with our heads (minds), often that's because of our ego.

The magnetic field generated by the heart is stronger than that of the mind (head), so what emanates from the heart is what is createdドキドキ

We know that the electromagnetic field emitted by the heart is not only built up by emotions, but is also acted upon by another great force.


That force is our beliefs, 

hidden deep within our hearts, that direct our lives.

This electromagnetic field extends not only inside our bodies, but also to the outside world.

Everything around us is affected.

What we believe in will come true.

Because belief is connected to the energy that is released from the heart.



It's the heart meditation that Yayoi-san was talking about〜〜〜


Change your consciousness from your head/brain to your heart.〜〜〜






It feels good doesn't it〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s