Non verbal communication
We are being prayed for,
even by those who have passed away〜〜〜
The other world
This world
We are co-creating〜〜♪
Tamago boro
Thank you!
Thank you!
I was saying it in my kid's voice!
With love, you idiot!
With hate, you idiot!
Emotions are reflected!
...They imitated someone and no one could tell the difference...
but their influence was reduced to 1/5.
Clearly understand the difference between
Self-Sacrifice and
and altruism.
For women
Self-sacrifice is 99.9%・・・
For Japanese people
Self-denial was considered a virtue!

Put both your hands on your heart.
Breathe with your heart.
The heart begins to manage the brain.
Feel your heart and breathe (with gratitude)〜
The radius of the energy is expands to 3 meters.
Live according to your heart-brain!
It also makes it easier to receive inspiration from the universe!
You feel safe, it's also easier for your vibrations to go up!
Souun Takeda
”The Art of Attentiveness”
Doing everything attentively〜
Unbuttoning your shirt carefully
Opening the fridge carefully
If someone is grumpy, their PC will often break
If you say thank you to your phone, it becomes easier to get appointments
Read out the full name of the deceased and give thanks.
Prayer = Rising above yourself
When you pray・・・
Pray not for your own wishes.
First, pray for world peace.
Gods also exchanges business cards.
Parents information
Date of birthday
I'm the oldest son! etc.
State your personal information so they can know who you are.
I go to tell them that "I am ready"
"Anytime. please use me!"
What God does →I am the vessel →I am ready
My calling
God, please use me
From 4 am ・・・
It starts from the priestess
The mind becomes aligned
It starts from tidying up the house = the house is a shrine
My relationship with things changed alot
I am God's hands= A vessel
How to keep this vessel pure?!
My heart is fuzzy
May my heart be clean...
May I be in a state where I can view myself
There are beings beyond my power...
The conflict in water
Relying on other power
Access Buddha!
Use the power of Dainichi Buddha = vessel
Me me! This is
One dimensional (lower dimension)
Low perspective
Raise your perspective from yourself
This city
This area
This country
When you raise your perspective
You will see similarities.
Boundaries disappear.
When we lower our perspective
we see the differences.
Isn't the Earth a single life form? =The Gaia Theory
The cells... the bacteria in our gut... is also the universe.
Isn't it all one consciousness?
I am the universe. The universe is me.
Husband and wife
Children are important
Fighting over differences of opinion
Religion is the same.
"Love" can sometimes cause conflict.
"Kindness" doesn't cause trouble.
Oxytocin is the love hormone.
It's also released when we're jealous.
It's released when we draw the line between ourselves and others.
When we have the humility to cherish the truth
wisdom is born.
In the beginning was the Word...
Words = God's Truth
Those who have died
are not a memory of the past
It's a dialogue.
Even now
They are still alive
Grateful to my team!!!
Thank you!
"We don't want to leave or forsake our homeland either.
We, refugees, are always looked at as if we are a nuisance.
But we are human beings.
We have sorrows, joys, and hopes.
We are not refugees for food or for water.
We are not refugees because we want to be, we are refugees because we have no choice.
We are refugees because we have no choice.
By nature, we are ordinary people just like you.
Refugees are also human beings. We want you to understand our pain and suffering."
MOVIE: Midnight Traveller
Director: Hassan Fazili
My friend Kansu was the captain of the baseball team!
Kyoto International High School, widely reported by the Korean media, is making great progress... How did it become a powerful school?
Shohei Otani No. 41 after 7 games
A high trajectory bullet with a 45-degree angle, my highest ever!
Getting close to the team record of No. 47. 2021.08.27
This is Takato Fukushima.
This time, Fukushima Select is from "Motivation Switch", a book that KIYOMI SHIMIZU, a silver medalist in women's karate at the Tokyo Olympics,
reads at least once a year.
When I saw the article on the Internet, I read it again too.
And I excerpted the pages that gave me the right advice for my current situation!
【The Motivation SWITCH!】(p:61 "State of Sleep")
"Before you lose motivation, maintain your mental state.
Because by the time you lose motivation, you already can't move.
I've lost motivation because I'm overloaded with work.
This is a scheduling error.
Always check the flow of your day, and make plans based on your imagination of what state your mind will be in.
Do not turn off the power even when you are resting, put it into sleep mode.
If your mental state is well maintained, you will be able to react quickly at any time or inspiration.
When you look at your schedule and it looks like it's not going to be a fun day, make one appointment that will be a reward for yourself.
It will make you look forward to tomorrow every day."
That's the advice I got from "The Motivational switch"
You lose motivation because you've been "waiting for the right moment to lose it".
This is a phrase that left a strong impression on me when I reread "The Motivation Switch"
In other words, this is the advice that the "motivation switch" gave to me now.
And this page above taught me how to solve the problem‼️
For me, the enjoyment I get after rewarding myself only lasts about a week.
However, if it's a planned treat for me in the future, I can enjoy it for a month!
If that's the case, just make one appointment a month to reward yourself.
It's normal to lose motivation.
That's why you have to find ways to keep yourself motivated.
The more often you do this, the more you'll look forward to tomorrow, every day!
Then you'll be on your way to a tomorrow that looks completely different!
Every time I reread this book, it gives me insight and advice from various angles.✨
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s