Miracles happen!!!
1)Get out of your comfort zone!
The comfort zone is・・・
a place where there is no failure
and a place where miracles don't happen.
You may get nervous and scared
but you'll also get inspired and excited.
Get out of your comfort zone!!!
It's when you get out there that you become sexy.
2)Don't take things too seriously
Dreams dislike overt seriousness.
If you are seriously moving towards your dream, you'll eventually come across numerical goals.
It can be easy to get serious about those numbers.
But keep your goals it what moves your heart most.
What is that?!
Keep those emotions of excitement. Focus on those!
And then overlap your numerical goals with those emotions!
See, now you can be excited about your numerical goals too!
3)Stay with people who have good luck.
The company you keep is important!
Keep it a festival!
Spend your time wit positive people, people who are lucky and have high vibrations!
(Q) Should I pursue psychic development?
(A) Pursue rather spiritual development.
NPO Japan Edgar Cayce Center
Spiritual Start Up Support
Kaori Miyabe's "6 month consulting"
In the consulting,
it also includes how to create a homepage
and a individual session about the 4 steps of contribution as well 〜〜〜♪
【Spiritual Start Up for this coming era】
*Price:3,000 yen/60 minutes
*Limited to 10 people
For details check out the LINE!

The flavor or Tokushima!!!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s