This is what the roads look like・・・
can you tell〜?
I hope this extended rain doesn't cause any disasters.
I'll have a seminar in Kumamoto on the 13th〜〜〜〜
Those who can join, I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
The seminar@Shibuya the other day was fun too〜♪
I want you to imagine,
can you remember
how you felt when you felt like you were overflowing with energy?!
This audio is magic.
It will create your success mind!
Try listening to it inside the train
while driving in your car・・・
as you listen to this audio,
the reality you knew until now begins to lose its power,
and your dreams switch into reality and start gaining power!

This is after the recording・・・
↓↓↓We recorded the continuation of this series↓↓↓
Thank you everyone〜

you can see the Perseid Meteor Shower @ HAWAII
I received this from AI-chan! Thank you!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s