What I learned at today's get together・・・
The person who doesn't sell sells the most
So what do these people value?!
They adjust their communication based to the other person's type.
That raises their sales conversion!
↓↓↓For example・・・
Logic (logical type of people)
People (people who like other people)
Analytical people
People who operate on their senses
If you go back 20 generations・・・
You'll have 2 million ancestors
It's up to you to decide which ancestor comes to the fore now!
Your ancestors want to support you
Face is important!
Lift up your cheeks
Face your palms upward
Face should be ・・・
Shiny and sparkly〜〜〜
Your prayer should be・・・
God, please use me!!!

I have a program on himalaya together with
Katori-kun and Nana Tanimura ・・・〜〜!!!
You can listen to our conversations on himalaya
The time management skills with Mr. Ikeda is also excellent〜〜〜♪
From TOMOCHIN's team〜♪