Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Having "crazy dreams" Realism is the deciding factor! Let's use our RAS ♪

Takumi Yamazaki's LINE@

Here it is!



Being in the field!!!

Noticing the walls in your heart!!


See your goals with reality 

Then your RAS gets working!!!

↓↓↓About your RAS ↓↓↓


You don't need the HOW〜〜〜


If your goals become real 

the how will come to you 〜〜〜


Your crazy dream!!!


If you are bound by the HOW

you'll be bound by the past !!!



Everything starts with your thoughts !!!




Having crazy dreams!!!



↓↓↓Please listen to this〜♪↓↓↓





So much to learn from it〜〜〜


Going to "ICHIOKU" in Roppongi soon ♪


六本木 トーフステーキ一億1968年創業。移り変わりの激しい六本木の地で50年間変わらぬ味でお客様に愛され続ける店。ミッドタウンから徒歩2分という好立地ですが、裏路地にあるので知る人ぞ知る、まさに穴場。ランチには『マグロの生姜焼き丼』や体に優しい『無農薬玄米定食』がおすすめ。仲間と本物の味を気取らずに食べていただければ嬉しい限りです。飛沫防止対策、対面シート設置、消毒や検温など基本的…リンク

Today I had lunch with Mr. Hiroshi Morinaga

Ai, thank you〜〜〜♪



 Eiko Ishioka



QI BAISHI(1864-1957)

↓↓↓Loved by Picasso・・・



Mambo Box 3-1PAN DURO (Yuichi Sato)vol.1




Actor・Hidekazu Akai, 60 years old 

Teary cheery message 




Thank you〜〜〜

Nakaya-san is wonderful〜〜〜!!!


Culture festival of helping!(lol)


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s