Thank you for the fun time today!
I learned about SNS!
"There is no value in information"
Information is overflowing everywhere.
Step 1
Do people think your social media is
Convenient/Useful/Can learn from it?
Step 2
Who is this person again?!
Does your "message and story" resonate with others?
Step 3
Do they think
"I want to meet this person"?!
Now, everyone has become like "knowledge goblins".
Finding what you want to do is birthed from experience.
What matters most, is who do you want to have those experiences with?
Depending on who you're with, the same experience can either become fun or not enjoyable at all!
So that's why finding friends and buddies you can enjoy life (all experiences) with comes first!!!

Thank you for yesterday.
The talk live is on IGTV.
Looking forward to making the event on October 5th a success〜

Thank you for yesterday!

Information from Mr. Ita
See coaching list here