Monday, September 14, 2020

Achievement method based on contribution! This truly touched me!


Today I will share an announcement from 

Clover publications 



The latest method for all your wishes to come true

 merely by contributing 


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I will attend this too!



Clover Publications 

This is Chairman Yasushi Ogawa 



Now with worldwide pandemic, 

it is truly a time of great change 

and each person is likely facing the 

essential issue of "how to live" 

Looking back at these past 10 years, 

there have been alot of content 

that has become popular in Japan 

such as the Laws of Success, and the Laws of Attraction. 

Japan is slightly different from the West, 

and more than 

Getting, Winning and Achieving!! 

We have valued 


Cooperation, Consideration, Sharing 

and that is perhaps one of the reasons it has continued for longer

 through taking the stance of contribution 

and how that way of thinking has been accepted. 



With the changes in the times, 

we have welcomed the era of Reiwa 

and I think what many people are realizing is, 

the importance of "CONTRIBUTION" 




If you want to achieve your wishes, 

support someone with the same wishes 




This is the teaching of Geshe Michael Roach. 

Until now, 

many of us have heard and somewhat understand that 


contribution is important! 

 This has systemized this abstract way of thinking 

as a contribution logic of 



Why is it good to contribute? 

Why the seed of realization of desire is birthed when you contribute? 

Who we should contribute to? 

What are effective steps after contribution?




His teachings express all of these things 

in an easy to understand way. 

In this time of great change, 

for those who are searching for the essence

I have made it my mission to share this "contribution" method 

throughout Japan. 


We have  name the Japanese version of this method 

as "The Law of the SEED"


It is the latest method of turning desires into reality. 

For those who, 

No matter what you learned, 

no matter what you implemented, 

you couldn't feel that much of an effect. 

This will be your last method. 


We will host a 2 day focused seminar on October 3rd and 4th 

by Geshe Michael Roach


Due to the effects of the novel Corona Virus, 

Geshse Michael Roach will not come to Japan, 

but we have set it up so that

 his teachings can be shared worldwide via an online LIVE via Japan. 


Already other counties in Asia have also 

agreed to simultaneously host this. 

If you have a strong desire and 

truly want to achieve your dreams! 

Please participate in this event below.


Thank you for reading until the end. 

Clover Publications 

Founder Chairman, Yasushi Ogawa 






I will attend this too!


Michael Roach's Teachings・・・

The first time I heard this, it took my breath away (lol) 



1)Set a goal 

2)Find someone with similar goals (=partner)

3)Support that person for one hour a week 

4)Every day, celebrate the you who is contributing (=coffee meditation) 

The achievement methods we have learned until now are 

1)Set a goal 

2)Think of the people who have the same goals as rivals and inspire yourself 

3)Calculate backwards and plan carefully 

4)Keep on doing your best! 


Achievement Method with contribution as the base!!!

This spoke to my heart 



The culture of Showa era was "Achievement" 

The culture of Heisei era was "Connection" 

The culture of Reiwa era is "Contribution" 

A new idea (from history) based on Contribution!


I used to think, 

I want to do something that is 

useful for others 

But I can barely take care of myself,

much less support others. 

However, once you get started・・・

good things come from unexpected places 

and things progressed in a good direction. 

I'm sure there are many others who want to have

such mysterious experiences for themselves. 

Please try it 〜〜〜



Thank you! 

Thank you for all your orders for the   "Mania Note" 〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s