Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The hole of the donut exists. You can't take it away. It's there but its not.

The hole of the donut

The hole of a donut exists. 
You cannot take it out, 
but it exists without a doubt. 
It's there but its not (lol) 

There are countless bubbles that 
rise up from the bottom of a champagne glass. 

The time from when you wake up until the time you go to sleep・・・

It comes up like the thoughts you think....

it comes up and disappears, and disappears and comes up again. 

I've heard once that those bubbles of thoughts come up 70,000 times in a day 

We are making 30,000 decisions in a day. 

Inside our heads is busy with chatter. 

"You all think that your thoughts are you, don't you?!" 

My friend who went to study Tibetan esoteric Buddhism said over lunch. 

"What?! These thoughts are not me?" I was surprised. 

If what I think and my thoughts are not me, then where am I? 

I am "the existence between those bubbles" 

The space between the bubbles・・・

The space between the thoughts・・・

The space outside of what I'm thinking or my thoughts is me?! 

"The existence between the bubbles and the bubbles" is me and is also you 

The hole of the donut ・・・

If the donut was your thoughts, everything else is the hole. 

That's you ・・・


I think therefore I am. 

Descartes said that I am the one doing the thinking 

The person watching you who is thinking and observing thoughts thoughts are also you. 

Observing the thoughts. 

When that observant starts judging 

then its overwhelmed in the sea of thoughts. 

When one starts judging the hole, then they are taken over by the donut. 

Breathe in・・・Feel

Breathe out・・・Think 


Breathe in・・・Feel

Breathe out・・・Think 


Breathe in・・・Feel

Breathe out・・・Think 

"Enjoy" the space between "breathing in" and "breathing out" 

Feel the tingling sensation. 

Enjoy and feel that space that is in-between. 


Reminds me of Jack Mackiol's eyes of seeing everything for the first time. 



Soooooーーーー(breathe in )

gooooodーーーーーーーーーーー(breathe out)

Enjoy the space in-between


The space in-between 

"That is this" 

"This is that"  


 Strengthening and expanding that space 



Watching over your heart. 

Enjoying the beauty of not judging. 


Breathing in ・・・Feeling

Breathing out ・・・Thinking

Enjoying the space between inhaling and exhaling. 

Slowly slowly "feeling" =expanding the "enjoyment" 




Taylor Swift's new single achieved No. 1 top record





Thank you for yesterday



It was fun♪






How cute!!!!

