We created a Facebook group
so that even after reading the book you can continue implementing it.
In this group there will be
1、Once a month live streaming
By Takumi Yamazaki, Mr. Ogawa and Sophie Saito
2、Q&A related to mental seed
Those in the group will answer each other
3、Find karma partners
You can find partners and ask for partners within the group
4、Can post your own experiences and testimonials
5、Can post videos about the pen
6、Can be the first to get any information about Geshe Michael Roach
You can use this space for interacting as well.
You can leave at any time and participation is free
so why not try joining the group ?
Hope to see you there

Stretching our necks, and our tongues and breathing deeply 5 times!!
That will lift up your face?!
Switched car software to remote control,
and developing their car on the premise of an updated version.
In the future, that software will be subscription based.
Tesla's share price is now the highest in the world
beating the world's number one car manufacturer Toyota's market cap.
Vehicles with 100 years of history, and the model of selling what is made to gain profit is trying to change.
This way of thinking will be necessary for future entrepreneurs.