February 10th (Monday) morning will be ASATAKU in Osaki station TSUTAYA 

This time's guest is writer Yuji Arakawa 

Arakawa-san himself also wrote on his blog about being a guest at AsaTaku, so plesae check it out〜

From Yuji Arakawa's blog
From this day,
through books and seminars,
I will lead each of your lives nationwide
towards an 『awakening』
through books and seminars,
I will lead each of your lives nationwide
towards an 『awakening』
So please don't be afraid of attending alone,
or be worried about being one of few.
I will ensure that each one of you will have fun, so please do come
☆or be worried about being one of few.
I will ensure that each one of you will have fun, so please do come
is what he wrote〜

I'm so excited about it I can't help it

He's going to lead us to an『awakening』 〜

Participation here is a must

Those who haven't applied yet, please go ahead and do so!!!