Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Always check your heart! Being excited and full of joy! To continually be in a state of ”delight"

My friend Fujita told me about this ↓↓↓!

Good evening!

My friend started up a project that 、collects disposable heat pads that would be thrown away and uses the “ferrous ion” that is included inside the pack to purify water! 

They are raising funds via crowdfunding✨
Please feel free to contribute if you’re interested. 🙇🏻‍♂


How to gain self-confidence in no time!


Big G believes he is good at singing!!

↓↓↓Believing in yourself ↓↓Fully believing that misunderstanding is important ↓↓↓

That’s  “Self-confidence”

Should do what you love
・buy confidence with money (when I wear these clothes I feel...) 
・Love (when you’re loved you can be stronger)  

Jealousy and envy come from a lack of love.


Law of birds of the same feather flock together (The average income of your 5 closest friends will be yours)
Example→ If you want to get married, instead of participating in a singles event,
spend time with couples who are happily married!
If you change the people you interact with daily, your life will change!

Thoughts become reality
You will attract what you think of daily.
Example →When you become pregnant you starting seeing many pregnant women!
If you are in a feel good state,  you will attract feel good things to happen.
Always check your heart! Be excited and live in joy!

Way of thinking →It’s like a TV channel
The current you is “the future you”
If you’re going to talk about yourself,
“Talk about the future you”
The you until now is not you!!!

The power of your wishes
(Don’t want to get sick →Gets sick)
(Want to live a great and healthy every day=correct  way)

What you believe comes true
(I'm sure I'll be wealthy 〜 be sure about it)
Act like it every day.
Live as if your wishes have already come true.

According to physics,
There is no time or space.
The past and the future is happening at the same time.
From the moment you wish it, your wish has already come true.

Your "emotions" will tell you whether you are thinking right.
Emotions are the result of your thoughts.

Continually stay in a state of "delight!"

Meditation is a skill
Imagine your entire day in advance "the best day of your life!"
Gratitude is the strongest power


Becoming friends with God・・・

From 7:30 to 9:00 on Feb 10th 

Collaboration with Takumi Yamazaki


Details for Asataku here☆


↓↓↓A friend contacted me!↓↓↓

Please be careful💦

There is a  virus going around that is a e-mail titled (A grade 10 earthquake in Japan)
with a link to a movie. If you receive this, please delete it immediately and do not open it!!

It's not a movie but a spam virus that will steal all your bank information from your phone.
It's also being announced in the newspaper. Please beware!【スパムウイルス注意】「日本に震度10級の地震」/
