Thursday, February 6, 2020

After the real is swallowed up in digital! The era After Digital will come!

Today, we are going to Disneyland! (lol)

Los Life!
I will meet Kozue and Fukii this evening〜

It was a really good day today!(lol)

By "offline" ceasing to be,
the rules of everything will change completely!!!

Everything will be collected by data!!!

China does everything by mobile payments!!→It's a cashless economy
Even the donation box at shrines has become a QR code.

By using data・・・
"Zhima credit"=Quantifies personal credit
From the data taken from action patterns they calculate each person's level of credit!
A societal surveillance system.

After digital 
Real life becomes that much more important

A world where the border between offline and online disappears and there is no longe a border.

Real being wrapped in online.

Fresh food via the internet
FOOMA (by Alibaba)
An internet supermarket
It's overwhelmingly convenient and fresh
If you're within 3 km radius, it can be delivered within 30 minutes!

Good products and "high emotional value" will be required!


【11 minute commentary】
AI VS Children who can't read text books|Noriko Arai ~
Humans who don't have reading comprehension will be deprived of work~
【First part】


AI or robots will not become greater than man! (surprise)

AI is a calculator!
It doesn't understand meaning!

In other words, it has no reading comprehension!!!

Education until now, 
has strengthen the areas that AI is skilled in! 

There is no scientific method to improve reading comprehension!!!

I, Takumi Yamazaki ・・・
would say to write it out in a chart! (lol) 

↓↓↓for your reference ↓↓↓

Companies are lacking in personnel!
The world is overflowing with unemployed!

What are the things that only humans can do?!




At the international convention "Fortnight"
Brilliant achievement by first Japanese at "Australia Open Sumer Smash 2020" 


It's Takato Fukushima

Today I've excepted from Ayumu and Takumi's new book "Mazu Baka ni Naro" 

まず、バカになろう まず、バカになろう

What surprised me this time I read it,
was that it said the same thing I was told by my teacher at the research center when I was 20!!

It reminded me about what my mentor told me 20 years ago,
and I almost felt like I time slipped.


【Mazu Baka ni Naro】(page 124)

"In the sense of enjoying your every day, 

Having someone you can talk to easily, like, 

'Hey, I've been thinking about this recently・・" 

it surprisingly important." 

Why I chose this↓↓

The moment I read this page, I remembered the words my research teacher told me
back when I was a student!!

When I was 20, he said

"So Fukushima, listen up.

When you meet someone who you can talk to

I'm struggling with this right now〜
or, I've been thinking about these things lately 〜

If you meet someone who can easily discuss these things with,
value that person.

That person will likely be a huge support and help in your life!"

At the time, I don't think I understood the real meaning or depth of what he was saying,

and I thought "is it really that big of an influence?"

My teacher went on to add,

"That person, all they have to do is listen.

They don't even have to tell you how to solve your problem.

What's important is that 'you can easily talk to them!"

Wow, everyone is saying the same thing!

"Someone who is easy for you to talk to"

Having even one person like that is truly a great strength.

To do that, you will also think about what you're thinking about, and organize the information that you have to make it easy to understand.

This phrase helped me realize once again the importance of this.
