Saturday, December 21, 2019

The era of rationalism has ended! It is now a "Heart-Driven" era! I posted all my notes

Thank you so much!

Thank you for hosting this book club!
It makes me so happy that these "reading clubs" are being hosted in different areas around Japan!!! 

The era of rationalism has ended!
Next, is the era of "Heart-driven"!

There is more value in excitement and "unseen things" 
than in functional value. 

 People pay money for thoughts and stories. 
They will be able to find value in it. 
Even difficult, tough, and painful etc. can become valuable. 
=emotional reward 

Value your emotions not just in your life but also in work. 

Countries with "resources" are powerful. 
Japan can't beat it. 
What Japan can win in is providing emotional reward! 
Emotional value is important. 

A executive of a partially listed company who talks about the negative parts. 
He used to be a rational person who placed value on functionality, but as he 
faced himself and took a good hard look inside, he came to find emotional reward. 

I'll put my notes here again!

↓↓ Do check out this book! It's so good↓↓↓
