On Twitter・・・
"Things happen as you wish it, and fail as you fear it" This is the law of life. Your emotions decide your life. What would you like to attract?
Wish→ Come true
Fear→ Failure
The ability to wish and pray
and the ability to worry and fear
is the same.
Whether you wish for "plus" or "minus"
(Worry is also a gift to wish)
and the ability to worry and fear
is the same.
Whether you wish for "plus" or "minus"
(Worry is also a gift to wish)
Next month I'll enter my 35th year〜(lol)
I started when I was 20 years old〜
The month after my Coming of Age ceremony, February 5th ・・・
was X day.
I met Yamada-san who had by then recruited all the teachers I respected.
I had admired the teachers and was aiming to become an educator myself,
so I jumped right in and got immersed in the work.
What I want to teach the me back then is ・・・
When you almost get stuck in short-term thinking,
Try transferring to long-term thinking!
What kind of life do you want?
Then how will you live the next 10 years?
What about the next 3 years? This year? This month??
a feeling of Gratitude〜
Try transferring to long-term thinking!
What kind of life do you want?
Then how will you live the next 10 years?
What about the next 3 years? This year? This month??
a feeling of Gratitude〜
"Excitement" for the future
and "Gratitude" for the now
That's where the magical time begins.
and "Gratitude" for the now
That's where the magical time begins.
The hybrid of excitement and gratitude!
Most popular 20 items!!!
↓↓↓For more details↓↓↓
Won't you try it? 〜
You don't have to get involved as work.
There are many quality products.
There are many quality products.
My recent recommendations are・・・
The bifidobacteria not only reach your intestines, but stay there〜
Improves your gut health! and increases your immune system!
Body Milk!
It moisturizes your skin this much at such an economic price.
Say good bye to dry skin.
Be freed from itchiness and scratching at night (lol)
Body Milk!
It moisturizes your skin this much at such an economic price.
Say good bye to dry skin.
Be freed from itchiness and scratching at night (lol)
↓↓↓Please contact my staff Ban if you're interested ↓↓↓
Fukushima select
【Tips to get unseen power as your ally】(excepted from page 39)
【Tips to get unseen power as your ally】(excepted from page 39)
![]() | 見えないチカラを味方につけるコツ [ 山崎 拓巳 ]
"Quickly accepting what's already happened,
"yes, I got it!"
and actively progressing to "so, then what to do?" "are there any other ways?"
will solve most of your problems, or more like, there should be no problem to start with.
Why I chose it↓↓
It isn't out of the ordinary that bad things happen, or that things don't go your way.
Instead of holding on to those problems or keeping those worries,
this phrase taught me a good way to switch my thoughts towards the solution.
"Quickly accepting the things that already happened "Yes, I got it!"
The key is "changing the meaning you give it"
For example,
"I was looking forward to seeing my friend but they cancelled on me last minute."
The meaning you give to it=Why? I was so much looking forward to it and preparing for it・・・
instead of blaming the other person and complaining about it.
The meaning you give to it= If I had met them today, perhaps we would have clashed and fought about something? Will look forward to next time!
This second one is easier to switch your emotions.
"I'll do this from next time" or "I wonder if there's any other good way?"
if you make a habit to let your mind work in positive ways, then your problem turns into something that will heighten your problem solving skills.
This future era where being attune to our hearts becomes increasingly important.
By getting "unseen powers" as your ally, it will help us advance forward.
This book helped me see things this way.
■January 28th (Tuesday)Professor Takanori Endo
"Get rid of money blocks!" @ Osaka
■January 30th (Thur) @Tokyo
SUGOI! Way of Speaking Academy 2020 Explanation seminar
■February 2nd '(Sunday) @Tokyo
Takumi Yamazaki × Akio Hiramoto Collaboration seminar "Let's learn psychology!"
■Feb 10th (Monday) 53rd Asa Taku 【God and Motivation】@Tokyo
Those who can't come to Osaka or Tokyo 〜
☆Premium Content(paid)
Takumi Yamazaki's 30 day Coaching life
〜Make life 5 times more enjoyable!〜
■Manga TAKU "Takumi Yamazaki ★ Secrets to motivation" made public via note!