was a seminar with Doctor Endo!!!
Dr. Takanori Endo's book
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We become poor without knowing it.
Pain regarding money
There is a reason why we can't become rich.
Today's seminar is like a health check up.
Becoming abundant → The amount of energy is important!
Increasing income
・Wealth → Can do what you want when you want to.
・Influence →Wealth continues onto the next generation.
Do you have lots of ideas?
Are you able to put them into action? (Are you in a position to put them into action?)
Dad went bankrupt
At the time, I was sluggishly working as a professor.
I'm not as bad as my parents?
I stepped out onto the road to wealth.
It's not that there won't be failures.
You have talent.
You have come to this seminar to learn!
Are you special and unique.
Regardless of whether you can or can't get rid of your mental blocks.
You are already amazing!
Others might make fun of that.
Please beware of that!
The time you spend learning will come back to you 1.42 fold!
The rest is whether you "take action" or not.
If you want results!
People who sue and blame not the scam but the people who are doing investment projects.
People who earn money despite it being a scam!
It's up to you to decide!
Timing is important.
If you screw up, it becomes AFTER FES・・・What's that?!"the Festival after!"
There is emotional unstability.
Investors are also afraid.
But they have the ability to swallow their fears.
There is a need to release your emotions.
What are your impressionable experiences regarding money?!
Plus and minus
There are pluses and minuses
and it's when the minuses stack up that one day it explodes!
"What are the emotions that cause you to make mistakes?"
・Fear (Lack of motivation/Anxiety is also fear)
・Regret (Oh no I did it again. Can't regain on what you learned)
・Suffering (Hurts so I won't do it. Say "sorry" when receiving)
Are you collecting data?
How much comes in every month?
How much are you spending every month?
Wealthy people are aware of this.
They are good at collecting data!
Wealthy people are・・・
What type of people?! Write up 5 things!!!
And self-assess.
Are you plus or minus? Which one?!
Japanese have certain imprints.
Are there wealthy heroes in Japan?
In Japanese manga・・・
The wealthy are mostly bad characters.
It's an imprint that "it's not good to have money."
It's a internal programming=you're so bad, master〜♪
The job of ultraman is to protect the earth=He's a civil servant!
In the USA,
Iron man, Batman They're all wealthy!!!
Is there enough wealth and resources for 7 billion people to become billionaires?! →There is!
Why doesn't that happen?!
The poor in Africa=They are living the same as the wealthy in the 1800's.
If you get money, someone else will lose out?!
The pizza will not disappear.
Your thoughts are important =Values (those are working subconsciously)
What is important in your life? Write up 5!!!
Write the priorities of those 5.
Why are those 5 things important to you?!
People invest their time according to those priorities.
Time is limited.
Is "money/finances" included in one of those top 5?
If it's not included, then money will not come to you!
How will you know if you attain those 5 things?!
Make sure to see if there are no contradictions.
And also, if one comes true 100%, if the other won't be 0%?
Motivation that goes towards or moves away
When it gets worse (touches the pain point) it rises,
and if you get away from the pain point, then motivation goes down.
If you stand out, you'll have enemies
If you google the Pacific Ocean, it'll say "3.78?"
There are people who rate nature, the Pacific Ocean.
Are they stupid?!
If you become famous, some people will hate you.
Breakthrough →Growth(= Change in values)
Merge values with other values!
Giving birth, completing a marathon, achieving something, such big experiences can be the trigger point・・・
There is a poverty factor in our DNA
This is proven in a rat experiment.
The rat was allowed to smoke・・・
In the grandchildren, they birthed a seed of disliking smoke, even if they don't know about it!
↓↓↓Next will be a "2 day seminar from 10 am to 8 pm"
March 2-3rd, 2020 (Mon/Tue)
Time:10 am to 8 pm
↓↓↓Takanori K. Endo↓↓↓
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