Friday, October 11, 2019

We have four million excuses when we fail, instead of just a simple apology

『Goals and Planning 
    Remove worries from your life 』

   -Glenn Bland, Writer

From Noda-san's mail magazine

We have forty million excuses 
when we fail
instead of just a simple apology.

   Ruyard Kipling, Poet

From Noda-san's mail magazine・・・

↓↓↓  TAKU↓↓↓

The "sorry" that I couldn't say・・・
As I was thinking about excuses, perhaps I missed the timing. 

One of the ways to become happy includes "forgiveness" 
Is it possible to forgive? 

When forgiveness happens・・・
a friend told me it changes your brain waves. 

That it's what changes your wavelengths the most 
to achieve enlightenment. 

There seems to be some sort of hint here. 







I'm a collector too〜

It's great as a present too