Thursday, October 10, 2019

"Successful people act" →"Surprisingly small actions" Planting seeds of success can be one grain a day

Toshitaka Mochizuki-san's mail magazine is wonderful! 


■ Planting seeds of success can be one grain at a time

┌1)Habits that the nation's (USA) number one billionaire manufacturer continued for 10,920 days

On August 22nd, 2019

a great man passed away.

Dan Kennedy.

An authority of marketing who is said to have 

"created the most millionaire's"

「Becoming rich by doing what you love」

It's a very wonderful thing. 

However, regarding any product, 

it would not be a business without 

first having people "know about it." 

How do you do that? 

I also learned many ideas from him and from those he influenced. 

Dan Kennedy left these words. 

「If you knew that there are many very ordinary people amongst millionaire's, more people would be millionaire's


Millionaire's are not necessarily great people. 

However, they are doing what many people don't try to do. 

What is that?・・


「The fact that successful people take action


And he taught us what 【action】he took for 10,920 days (roughly 30 years) 

┌2)Planting seeds of success can be 1 grain a day

What Dan Kennedy continued every day without fail for 30 years...

It is・・・


"Planting seeds" for his business or company's future. 


However they are all very little things. 

When finding an article that would be beneficial for a client, send it to them along with a memo. 

Sending just one letter.

Sending just 1 fax

Giving a book as a present to someone you met. 

Planting just one grain. 

However, he says.


「In my case, the reason why I have business lined up for years is simply because I kept this habit of mine, and have continued to plant a seed a day for my future.


When we hear the word 【action】it can sometimes sound a bit troublesome. 

Like, "oh, it's that again." 


At those times, perhaps we are looking at 
【action】as something larger than necessary. 

The【actions】that change lives are


1)Not worth even saying yourself
2)Not something that someone asked you to do
3)No need to calculate returns


Just a trivial step for planting seeds that all add up. 

Just one grain a day is enough 

to plant seeds of success. 

Thank you for reading today too. 

The following books were used as reference. Thank you so much! 

「Dan S. Kennedy's "No B.S. Business Success in the New Economy

Published 2010 Direct Publishing Co., Ltd
Author Dan S. Kennedy
Supervisor of translation Tadahiro Ogawa


A massive typhoon is headed this way

It's a huge typhoon and is said will likely wreak havoc all over. 
We just had one in Chiba that damaged a lot so I'm concerned. 

I have S40 in Osaka〜
everyone will be gathering tomorrow. 


World GDP losing "0.8%" IMF downward revision

From 2019, 90% of the countries growth reduced speed 
and worldwide trade hardly showed any growth. 

2019 went from 0.3%ー0.4%
2020 is predicted to be 0.8%
continuing on a downward growth rate. 

Recession will likely be from 2019, 
for the small or mid-size company, the effects may be a little delayed, b
but it's definitely a good idea to begin preparing now. 

Expand the contact area for customers! 
Contact area is a multiplication of
Contact types and frequency of meeting. 


World to lose 0.8% GDP


The value of "The Father Lithium-Ion batteries" being awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry

It was decided that the 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry will be awarded to Asahi Kasei Honorary fellow Akirsa Yoshino and 2 others who contributed to the development of the Lithium-Ion Battery. The fact that the "father of lithium-ion batteries" which has now become a large element of the world's infrastructure  holds great meaning and value to us 