Tuesday, October 8, 2019

If you want a boyfriend so you go to comfort people at the old folks home (in self-interest) you may "find a boyfriend" but a "self-interested one"

Before leaving to the Philippines, we had a "share meeting". 
Here are my memos from it. 


Just "learning" is not enough
It's when you "implement" that your life changes 

Yesterday's share meeting was on the topic of creativity. 

1。Want more money 
2。Want to improve relationships 
3。Want to get healthy 
4。Want a peaceful mind
5。Want to contribute

Creativity on demand
=will show up when needed. 

True innovators・・・
Such as Newton, Einstein, Dr. Hawking
・Understood the true mechanism of the world
 =Everything comes from a seed
・Their motivation  
 =Innovation for world peace and prosperity

Things in common are
・Specialize in that field
・Have a mentor
・Have colleagues to learn alongside
・Have passion
・Have perseverance
・Never say impossible

Benjamin Franklin
Discovered electricity 

Dreamed of a era where each person has a car. He persisted in that belief.

The 6 points in common are the "surface causes"
What's important is the "deeper cause" ・・・the seed is important.
ex)Headache medicine only works on 50% of people.
    They don't have the seed for it to be effective.
    Seed=Experience caring for people.  

There is no cause of the cause.
Even in science, it cannot fully explain itself.
ex) What is the start of everything? The big bang. What about before that?!.....
Something causes something causes something....
But what about before that?! 

Everything comes from a "seed" 

The cause of the cause of the
cause yet again・・・

There is a state called Writers Block.
It's when they write something so inspired once, but cannot write after that.
→Cannot replicate your own succcess.
 Why not? The talent can't be repeated.
Wouldn't it be great to have "creativity on demand."?

"Thoughts" and "ideas" also come from a "seed." 
"Something" doesn't come from "nothing."
=It's all there in the past
ex)Where is the origin of the Yangtze river? Does water suddenly appear out of nowhere?
Ideas are the same.

Ideas are a combination of everything.

If there is no "beginning" then "everything is in the past."

Pen・・・  Human
Toy     ・・・Puppy

Nothing there =Emptiness (KUU)

Where does the world come from?
It comes from YOU・・・

The reason why the thing you have doesn't turn into a diamond is simply because you don't have the seed for it to become a diamond.

How to make seeds?
There are 4 steps. 
Every second, we are planting 65 seeds.
It's like we're in a giant VR.

4 steps
1。Have Creativity on Demand=Goal
2。Find a partner (Someone headed in the same direction) 
3。Support him/her for 1 hour a week.
4。Do coffee meditations.

The 4 Laws of the Seed
1。If you plant melon seeds, you will get melons. 
  If you want money→Give money
  If you want creativity→Support someone who also wants the same. 
2。The seed grows and comes back  
  If you want money→Give money
  If you don't have money, then start with a potato (with what you can, even if its small) 
        It will increase and come back to you
3。If you do nothing, nothing will come back. 
4。What you did will come back to you. 
  Good things→Good things come back
  Hurt someone→Hurt will come back to you 

4 POWER(How to make the bad seeds of the past smaller)
1。Reflect on the PEN. On emptiness. 
  Everything comes from you. 
  Everything that is happening to you now, is the seeds you planted long ago・・・
2。Decide that you will remove the minus seeds 
3。Commit to not stopping others ideas or creativity. 
        Good to decide on a deadline.
4。Support other people's creativity

About Anger・・・
Anger can burn up the good seeds in just one moment 

The person (or thing) that caused you anger
is actually just like "a mail man who brought the mail to you." 
D you read the letter and get upset. 
at the mail man?! 
No, right?! 

What is happening in your life now are all seeds that you planted in the past ・・・

4 Flowers 
1。You will receive the same as what you give 
2。Seeds (actions) become habits 
3。It creates your surroundings and your environment 
4。It also creates the future world. Your next life ・・・

Keep the rules 
Expel minus emotions (including anger) 
Enjoy work (progress) 
Control your mind
Learn about emptiness 
・・・A recommended read is Inamori-san's book called "IKIRU" 

If you look at those around you, 
     you can tell a lot about yourself now. 

4 Priorities 
1。The seeds you planted first will sprout first 
2。The seeds that become habits will sprout first 
3。The seeds that are close to a big turning point will sprout first 
4。The seeds that are connected to a greater purpose will sprout first

If you want a boyfriend so you go to comfort people at the old folks home (in self-interest) you may "find a boyfriend" but "a self-interested one"・・

Want+for the public=Kokorozashi (mission) 

What you do will come back to you! 

1。Value life 
2。Respect other people's thing
3。Place importance on relations with others 
4。Speak the truth 
5。Speak in ways that will connect others
6。Choose kind words 
7。Say meaningful things
8。Rejoice in the happiness of others 
9。Have compassion for others problems
10。Understand the story of the pen (that everything comes from you) 

It was a wonderful time!


From Noda-san Mail magazine 


『Do what you like. 
   This is what we were born for』

   (Shigeru Mizuki)


Knowing what you  like, 
also means knowing your own life, doesn't it. 

I wonder what it is I like〜
I like facing my PC like this too. 

I love learning! 
I love speaking! 

Traveling is said to be one of the 3 ways to change your life. 

This book, 『A Trip of Attraction』includes many ways of thinking and ways to travel that will change your life positively. 

From the book this time, I chose this part. 

【A Trip of Attraction】(excerpt from page 59)

『Before going on an Attraction Trip, 
there is one habit that I always do. 

That is to write a "letter" to myself
for when I come back from the trip a few days later. 

I write a letter to my future self, 
about the life I am leading now 
what I can see and the current state. 

What will the future you think or feel 
when reading a letter from your past self?』

Why Fukushima-san chose this↓↓

2 years ago, at the TSUTAYA in Ebisubashi, there was a seminar about this book "A Trip of Attraction" At that time, I asked Takumi-san, 

"Is there a good way to make it a good trip?"

and the advice I got at the time was to "write a letter to yourself." 

Since then, whenever I go on a trip, I make sure to write a letter to myself. 
(Sending a letter to yourself by post and reading it when you return from the trip is also a good way) 

The content of the letter doesn't have to be so formal. 
Whatever is easy for you to write is OK. 

・I hope it's a good trip?
・Will I change after going on this trip? 

I think there are many people who think such things. I'm one of them. 

Please try taking this 【A Trip of Attraction】along with you. 

"You will surely notice how you have changed."

When people go on a trip, without a doubt they are changed. 

Those who think they don't change, 
simply haven't realized that they have. (the reason for this is also written in the book) 

When you go to different places than usual, 

And spend your time differently than usual, 

A you that is different from usual shows up. 

And that "different from usual YOU" 
will lead your life in a good direction. 

This is the kind of attraction you can learn from 【A Trip of Attraction】