Thursday, September 5, 2019

How to "change dramatically" starting tomorrow.

The etymology of the word  religion comes from 
the Latin word Religio. 
This is a combination of "Re" which means "once again", and ligio which means "to connect", making the meaning to「once again connect」

To once again connect 
means that we used to be more connected. 

【Hitori Saito】
「Those who succeed in anything they do are only different in this one thing」

Something bad happened(Boss got angry at you)
You feel depressed
Something bad happened to the person that's down 
(It doesn't happen to your boss. Only to you.) 

Frequency goes down. 
You cannot let your frequency go down. 

People who are liked are those who raise their frequency/vibrations. 
People who are disliked are those who bring the frequency down. 

Even if it goes up, it goes down when they go home・・・
They don't know the demerits of letting it drop, or the benefits of a higher frequency. 

Leaders cannot let their vibrations go down. 
Because it will pull the whole down. 

Keep the frequency high. 
Keeping it high=success

It's not that you "can't" 
but you "thought it was unnecessary" 

It's similar to trying to sell yourself at a high price before increasing your own value. Sort of like a scam. lol 

In Japan・・・
Many people don't give compliments
But many people want compliments 
People who can give compliments then become very precious!!! 

People who can't give (compliments) 
because others don't. 
There are mountains of reasons why you can't. 

There are very few successful people. 
They don't succeed by doing the same things as everyone. 
You have to be different from others!!! 

It doesn't cost anything to become a wonderful person 
It doesn't even cost to increase your vibration/frequency and succeed. 

Humans have come to this earth 
to become wonderful. 
God supports those people. 

Humans have the power to imagine. 
To imagine yourself a little better than you are now!!! 

People who can praise themselves 
can praise others

The era of considering the strong people as highly valuable
The era of valuing 
family lineage, 
education etc.. is finishing. 
Next is character? 

It's not that the right thing is the good thing. 
We have a habit of trying to judge people correctly. 
That's the job of a judge. 
Is there a judge that people flock around when he comes out? 

It's not the right thing to say the right thing 
What's important is to raise your frequency. 

Unpleasant things don't happen to those who have a high frequency. 
Even if they do, it eventually turns into a good thing. 

For something who works begrudgingly, even until 5 pm is long
Those who love their work, by the time they notice it's 3 am! 
High vibrations. 

No one succeeds when doing things begrudgingly 
Those who go to Koshien didn't get there from struggling
They became fully immersed with baseball because they loved it 

When things suddenly stop going well...
They start saying serious things, 
and then their frequency drops. 

How to heal sickness
I am energetic
I am healthy 
Sick people often focus only on the other side. 
I'll only cause worry if I tell people 
Even if I tell people it won't make me get better 
It's when you say good things that your heart changes 
Sick people....their way of thinking is sick. 
They think about their sickness, and talk about it... 
 Say "I am healthy" 10 times a day 
・・・as you do, you'll start feeling that way 

People with bad posture
Their way of thinking is heavy 
Others will not change 
So don't take or do things so seriously 
It's rough because you let your vibration go down. 

Do you have something that will raise your frequency?
You like fishing or when you go shopping or when you listen to Enka etc... 

How to dramatically change your life from tomorrow ・・・
To become an attractive person
Think about raising the frequency of the people that you meet!!!

If it goes down, you'll lose. 
It's great to have buddies where you can pull each other up!!!

The latest song I received from ・・・Wataru!!!

It’s catchy〜♪

『Takumi Yamazaki's 30 day coaching life
「Makes your life 5 times more enjoyable!」☆゜:*:・゜』