How to rewrite your self-image・・・
As I wrote on my Instagram story,
I'll share it here〜
・A crazy dream
・Successful birds fly in a flock
・Live as if your dream has already come true
・Collect words
・Communicate your gratitude
・A crazy dream
Be obsessed with a vision from the future, not the past!
・Successful birds fly in a flock
Find the ascending current, and join that flock!
・Live as if it has already come true
The brain is easy to trick. So let's make it believe something big!
・Collect words
If you collect good words, then it will overflow out of your mouth.
It will change your life
I recommend the 4 steps
Self-confidence comes from "the 'thank you's' you receive from others"
・Communicate your gratitude
Who is it that you want to make happy?
Who do you want to express thanks to?
Try writing a thank you letter.
Japan gets lowest ranking in income, education etc.
In the country rating of where foreign people "want to live and work"
【Japan ranked lowest in income, education etc 】
Besides taxes continuing to go up, the attraction of Japan in other areas as well is dropping.
If your company or the country is not going to guarantee anything, then its all the more important to get your own information individually, and find ways to increase your abilities and community influence.
(Business Insider Japan) - LINE NEWS
Even though it's such a good country〜
Such a wonderful country〜
To know that ・・・
one must go out of Japan
To see Japan
and understand Japan
![]() | 21世紀へ Amazon |
I heard this is a good book to read too
![]() | 現代語訳 文明論之概略 (ちくま文庫)929円 Amazon |
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The best way to change your life is "re-education"!
![]() | 最高のアウトプットができる スゴイ! 学び方1,620円 Amazon |
Learning girls!!!
I'm awaiting your photo〜!!!