Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thoughts→Words→Actions→Habits→Character→Destiny Putting thoughts into words and words into actions

『Be careful of your thoughts, 

  for your thoughts become your words. 

  Be careful of your words, 

  for your words become your actions. 

 Be careful of your actions, 

      for your actions become your habits. 

   Be careful for your habits, 

      for your habits become your character. 
 Be careful of your character, 

       for your character becomes your destiny. 


From Noda-san's mail magazine・・・


It rings so true. 

 Once again, from Noda-san's mail magazine・・・

"Table for Two", founded in Japan in spreading worldwide

By eating healthy food 
It automatically reaches the children in developing countries
Presenting them with school lunches ・・・

A eco-coin laundry experience focused on community as a keyword

Talked a lot at the Headquarters @Shibuya・・・

And after that・・・

 came here・・・

where everyone was
But I couldn't meet up with everyone. Ha.

Last night was a great night too!!!
Thank you so much! 

It was fun! 

↓↓↓Excerpts from Words are Power↓↓↓

Today is another superb day!!It couldn't be better!!

I welcomed another amazingly happy morning.

My first words after awakening in the morning are, "Thank you God! I am grateful!"

"Thank you for preparing another wonderful day!"

And I thank each of you dear ones from my heart.

I don't think there is anyone who is as "happy of a person" as I am. 

"I am the happiest person in the world" 

and "Words are Power." 

The way you use your words will create the "you tomorrow." 

So say words that will boost you, 
and cheerful enjoy the day. 

Do you remember?

In 2001, today, two hijacked planes crashed straight into the World Trade Center  in New York Manhattan, and the Twin Towers collapsed.

The casualties from the plane were the 157 passengers and flight crew that were aboard the plane. 

The casualties caused from the collapse of the building reached 2801 (out of them 24 were Japanese)

Another plane that was hijacked crashed into the Pentagon in Washington and in the west wing of Pittsburgh university.

It was the outbreak of "simultaneous terrorist attacks targeting America." 

The TV screen at the time turned into one of a movie scene.

The American government determined that it was an attack by an Islamic fundamentalist group, the Taliban, and attacked Afghanistan in retribution and as a result destroyed the Taliban regime, but as a result, it triggered a new type of conflict, creating more Islamic radical groups.

What I was reminded through this are the words of former president of Sri Lanka, Jayewardene who said, "Hatred ceases not by hatred, but by love."