Please follow me.

My friends said this ...
My opinion is that imagination is a task of making 100 to 1 instead of making 0 to 1.
I want to increase knowledge with 100 to 1000, 10000.
From nothing "not", it does not mean "do something" ...
From 'huge knowledge' it means that it fits 'one idea'.
Microsoft announces "Surface Go"! Low price of 400 dollars!

Image: Gizmodo US, Windows Blog
Source: Windows Blog, The Verge, YouTube
Source: Windows Blog, The Verge, YouTube
From Ms. Noda's "I will send you the news I cared"
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I will lend you a suit at a fixed price! !
Renown, AOKI, Mitsukoshi Isetan etc are also starting flat rate system.
Now, flat-rate ramen shop, luxury car, Cadillac, flat-rate system of Porsche etc.
Now, with the sharing economy, the flat rate system is becoming a standard.
However, it seems that it will take time for the flat-rate suit to popularize.
When it becomes a little more inexpensive, the possibility comes out.
I feel pretty different from borrowed, air closet.
The manager should study what he calls the flat rate system,
It will be necessary for future business.
↓ ↓ ↓
· Japanese cars
· 2,800 yen / month suit wearing
Google 's too real phone booking assistant Duplex, will you rob the call center job?
Unemployment due to automation, how far will it proceed?
The AI Assistant, Google Duplex (hereinafter referred to as "Duplex") who places reservations for restaurants etc. in a natural conversation like human beings surprised many press teams in Google I / O because of their high performance.
Google uses Duplex to conduct experiments to place AI assistants that sound like human beings to call centers and telemarketing.
Over the past two years (laugh) Finally I ate Takumen noodles!
Impression! It was delicious ☆
It is convinced that the dinner time is full and the wait is out so popular!
I got you chewy.

Contact Yasu Okada ~
Thank you!

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Takumi Yamasaki is eating and drinking at New York LIC!
[Takumen's delivery]
[Takumen Apartment "Five fifty fifty reserved subret room"]
If you want to stay in New York ♪
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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.