Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I crawled up from bankruptcy and showed me the appearance of a hard working adult.

When it is an elementary school high school year ...
My house was cheated and I ran out of money.

My father was disturbed by sake,
My mother had a completely different atmosphere than usual.

I found out something bad happened.
I felt worried.

Called to my mother to know the fact.
"You are different from ordinary people," he said.

What do you mean? When asked
"You must not want anything that others want" · · ·

I did not want anything I wanted.
And I also told my brother and sister that.

I went to junior high school.
Even if the shoes were torn they were wearing.

I was pointed out by mother, but I refused.
I thought that I could not put a strain on my parents.

"Because you have that much money, you should buy it!"
"I bought a self-new record when I bought it," began a reward system.

Father and mother continue to do their best, and resurrect without borrowing to others at a stroke.
I crawled up from bankruptcy and showed me the appearance of a hard working adult.

It was a very important event in my life.
He created the core of my heart at that time.

Everyone has such a time of hard work in my life.
And do not avoid it.


Today we are going to a free museum called "the BROAD" ...
free? !
Earn money in the housing industry, provide pension mechanisms for individuals ...
An art museum where he earned further as a returning business to the citizens of Ross. 

Art work is wonderful・・・

Busquia ...
Favorite food!!!

I wanted to draw a picture. .

Discovered in downtown Ross ...
Shooting sunglasses for SNAPCHAT! ! !
Impressed by how to sell, buying a bite! ! !
I learned under Yuya's lecture. lol

Andrew told me "the impossible burger".
This is not meat! ! !

Future meat made with vegetables etc.!!!

It was delicious! ! !
I can go this ♪
Vegan people are also possible♪

Shibireta in the way of "american girls"! ! !
Accessories · · ·
Costume · · ·
There are clothes for children as well.
Hairstyle ...
I do not collect♪

The hotel is ace! ! !
Ace hotel → a hotel has become cute! ! !

The bar was cool too

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.


Able to download if you click this site.