I go Melbourne~♪

That Takumi Yamazaki comes back to Melbourne!
Takumi Yamazaki who held a seminar to be given of waiting list for 2016 in 2015,
He will come to Australia in response to request once again.
As - dream - realization producer that "Easily rises as for the great thing", mental preparation, art of communication, a leadership theory pass to many genres and develop lecture activity in whole country each place.
The strong message to talk about continuously attract many people regardless of man and woman in an extraordinary speech skill and charisma, a novel business theory and an unprecedented viewpoint.
This time "Kanjono switch" ♡
A lot of things that only change the way of thinking, and become slightly better!
A trouble fades away and initiates you into an art to send happy daily life by freedom.
"Our heart are influenced by the feelings.
A strong heart to prevent you from being influenced by the feelings is necessary.
However, why don't you be able to control feelings?
What kind of time are you excited at?
What kind of time do you become motivated from?
Switch of the feelings that you have
Why don't you understand it? "
The date and time: Wednesday, January 25 from 18:00 to 20:00 (two hours)
A place: The city suburbs
An entrance fee: 30 dollars
An application: hmhpmel@hotmail.com
* When you apply, please fill in name, phone number, participating number of people (the name of all the members), having lunch social gathering participation or not.
The sale "Kanjono switch" includes a book.
A handwriting signature, the photography are possible too.
To make 2017 a splendid one; Don't pass this opportunity over!
Sydney is ...
The date and time: Monday, January 23 from 18:00 to 20:00 (two hours)
A place: Unit 2, 265 Castlereagh St, Sydney (please use the intercom of the entrance.)
An entrance fee: 30 dollars
An application: takumiyamazaki@waad.com.au
* When you apply, please fill in name, phone number, participating number of people (the name of all the members), having social gathering participation or not after the seminar.
山崎 拓巳
PHP研究所 ¥ 1,080 |

Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.