Monday, November 28, 2016

My words echoed "I make life a comedy!"

Yesterday was 'Ivana's seminar'.
There is a duty to confidentiality, it is hard to write what I have learned easily.

Main massage was "automatic secretary" lol

Pain sharing · · ·

Theme settings that anyone in the world can sympathize with ...

Do not lie.
Tell in the truth.

Great person
It has no fear of crossing the frame.

Personalization · · ·

I mean "to make life a comedy!"
It sounded,
I wanted to see Jim Carrey 's movie.

I am writing, now ♪
Let's leave it to deep consciousness.


was fun! (Lol)

The tenth office drinking party!!!

everyone gathered and start drank.. lol

everyone talks~

Before that, I also participated in the "Mie Prefectural Matsusaka High School Kanto Athletic group"!!!

Everyone gets adult with their uniqueness~♪

Thank you everyone~♪

Everyone getting good~♪

My work is bring new people to new world~!

I held 'Yarukino switch short seminar/'

Congratulations on holding a short seminar!!!

Thank you!

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.