Check out Takumi’s NEW English youtube channel🎵
Indeed,the value of someone who can tee-up things.
Absolutely amazing!
A Guide to Becoming a Bridge that Can T-UP
"TEE-UP" refers to the act of enhancing or supporting someone, boosting their value. By demonstrating this ability, you can become a bridge between people, guiding those around you toward a better direction. Here, we’ll break down, step by step, how you can become a bridge capable of TEE-UP.
Stage 1: Establishing Your Foundation (Self-Management)
Goal: Create a stable foundation for yourself so you can support others.
- Self-Awareness: Understand your strengths, values, and influence. Observe changes in your emotions and the impact you have on others.
- Letting Go of Ego: Control the desire to be praised or the center of attention. Adopt the mindset that "helping others shine leads to my success."
- Building Trust: Practice consistency between words and actions. Keep promises and fulfill responsibilities. Maintain honesty, explaining and correcting misunderstandings when they arise.
Stage 2: Deeply Understanding Others (Listening & Observation)
Goal: Gain a deep understanding of others to bring out their strengths and value.
- Listening with True Intent: Listen not only to hear but also to understand, asking yourself, "What are their real strengths?"
- Using Techniques:
- Pacing: Match the speed and tone of the other person’s speech.
- Backtracking: Repeat what the other person says to deepen understanding.
- Open Questions: Ask open-ended questions like "What do you think?" or "Why do you believe that?"
- Finding Hidden Strengths: Recognize the talents that the person may take for granted.
- Giving Praise: Clearly articulate the strengths that the person might not even realize they have.
Stage 3: Creating the Right Environment (Building the Right Setting & Relationships)
Goal: Prepare an environment where the other person can maximize their potential.
- Providing the Right Stage: Assign tasks that align with their strengths.
- Offering Trust: Introduce them to others using your own credibility.
- Giving Constructive Feedback: Don’t just praise them; provide suggestions for improvement in a positive way, such as "This is great! If you focus more on X, it will shine even more."
Stage 4: Continuously T-UPing Others (Ongoing Support)
Goal: Ensure they continue to grow and create a cycle of T-UP.
- T-UPing Others with T-UP: The essence of T-UP is not just about helping others but ensuring they also help others. Support them in a way that enables them to elevate someone else.
- Sharing Their Success: Publicize their achievements through social media, meetings, etc.
- Maintaining the Support: Keep supporting them in the long run, offering advice and help when needed.
✅ Stage 1: Self-Management (Stabilize yourself)
✅ Stage 2: Listening & Observation (Identify the other’s strengths)
✅ Stage 3: Building the Right Setting & Relationships (Create an environment for their success)
✅ Stage 4: Ongoing TEE-UP (Create an environment where they can continue Tee-UPing others)
By following this process, you can become a true "bridge between people" and truly T-UP others! Start small—begin by identifying the strengths of others and communicating those strengths clearly!
✅ Becoming a "B-Position" (Bridge Role) is the key to business and organizational growth
✅ Successful individuals unconsciously use the B-Position, though it has often gone unspoken
✅ By practicing and mastering the B-Position, you can leverage the power of introductions and collaboration, accelerating growth
✅ Rather than competition, cooperation will build a new business model where everyone can thrive
✅ As more leaders embrace the B-Position, it will contribute to the development of the next generation
By understanding and implementing this framework, you can become a person who succeeds while effectively utilizing the B-Position.
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Colombian Technology: Turning Seawater into Light!
If it can be turned into light then what about heat?!
I had to look into it!
1. Methods of Using Seawater Temperature Difference: It’s possible to extract heat by utilizing the temperature difference between the surface (warm) and deep layers (cold) of seawater. With this, heat energy can be efficiently obtained using a heat exchanger.
2. Utilizing Hydrothermal Vents: High-temperature water that erupts from the sea floor can be directly used. This method is also applied to the generation mechanisms of hydrothermal mineral deposits, making it effective in areas where naturally occurring high-temperature water is available.
3. Heat Generation via Salinity Difference: Research is being conducted on a technique that generates heat through a chemical reaction utilizing the difference in salinity between seawater. However, there are challenges in implementing this with simple equipment.
If this is possible, it could save lives in disaster situations!
And, it can also be turned into fresh water as well!
Born in the Taisho era, 104 years old!
It was so moving I had to share.
I received this from a friend
The reality of repatriation.
I’d like to visit the Maizuru Repatriation Memorial Museum~
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s