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Today we did the recording for the Jan 23rd event!
Phase Transition Festival 2025
■Date and time:Jan 23rd (Thu) 2025
OPEN 11:00 / START 12:00 / CLOSE 18:00
■Venue:Yoyogi National Gymnasium, Gym1
2-1-1 Shibuya Jinnan, Shibuya ward, Tokyo

It was too much fun!!
Today we were in the recording studio.
- Mr. Sai
- Ned Jun
- Sato Yusuke
- Koshi
- Minamiyama Hiroki
It was incredible, hosted by Ichinose Kyosuke!
I wonder what will happen on January 23rd next year~~~
Everyone can become someone else's light.
Desire = Good
Full throttle!
DAY1 was impressive 〜〜〜
Communication skill = Living authentic to you.
I wonder how DAY 3 went〜
Mr. Masumoto is killing it!
It really makes me happy〜
Everyone in Yokohama, please join him!
She's a Graduate of Kaze no Gakko!
Makes me so happy〜〜〜〜
Happiness isn't a state, it's a recognition!
You can learn to create a "happy brain" with this recipe!
Thank you to my task manager!
Thank you for the wonderful offer from Subaru Company!
Mr. Kodera!
Yesterday. Thank you to everyone in Hamamatsu!
I'll be joining this event!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s