To make your life better.
Challenge yourself with a goal.
And if that challenge succeeds,
what happens when life gets better?
Every second,
every moment becomes enjoyable.
But, sometimes we find ourselves irritating while trying hard to reach those goals.
You find yourself in the exact opposite state than what you are trying to achieve.
The goal is happiness in this moment.
Yet, I am taking a challenge on for the future with “now” as a resource.
I am challenging the future.
To be involved with others means that the goal is to contribute.
The goal is to contribute.
And yet, you find yourself impatient with others.
This is also the exact opposite.
That's why to enjoy yourself is important.
Actually, it is the goal.
Then, think about
"What is my goal for the next minute?!"
Heading to a date at a restaurant on top of a mountain.
In order to spend a good time at the restaurant there.
However, on the way you get stuck in a big traffic jab.
You're irritated.
And end up having a fight with your girlfriend in the car.
Even though the aim was to have a good time with her at the top of the mountain.
Think about "What's the goal for the next minute?!"
Then you can achieve your goal 300 times a day!
10th anniversary of the University of Human Potential!
Keisuke Oshima,
What do people who are liked have in common?!
Use "aeiou" often
Conversations are fun with someone who has much of an elemet of
Bucket theory
You put water in their bucket,
it makes the other person happy.
and they'll also then pour water into your bucket
What is water?!
"Please buy a cookie. "
Only 55% bought a cookie!
(name of the person) please buy a cookie!
90% bought a cookie!
Name calling
Efficiently Pouring the “Water of Cognition”
Pouring “water of affirmation” = empathy
To do this
use “I get it” and "I agree"
I understand.
I know, right?
It's delicious, isn't it?
It's troublesome isn't it?
You've been trying hard haven't you.
Oxytocin is secreted
It heals & makes you like it
"Water of Interest” = follow-up question
Like Akashiya Sanma-san.
“Since when?”
“And then?"
Support to get the other person talking!
When people talk about themselves
it provides great brain stimulation,
almost the same as getting money or eating good food.