If you have cows wear VR masks,
and show them a wide world of blue sky.
they produce more milk〜
I'm in Sapporo now
I had "one person soup curry" today for lunch
Yesterday at the Ethics Association
I gave a lecture on the Motivation Switch.
There are no bad people who get up early in the morning.
Some people say they can't attend because they can't get up early in the morning.
But in fact, the Ethics Association is an “excellent place to meet people."
The Timewaver is amazing!
The following advice was given last time.
For people reading this blog
it just might be a surprising synchronicity.
It will speak to you
Now is the time for foreshadowing
Don't be distracted by what's in front of you.
Follow your true heart.
Prepare your mental health
Focus on yourself
Focus on what you want to do
Focus on what makes you happy
Express yourself!
Let go of feeling bad or sorry for the people around you.
Stop self-blame.
In a state of not having enough time
Clarify your priorities
The new way of doing things
is working!
Your own emotions are important
The feeling of "This! I can do this!"
is important.
Ignore the complicated stuff.
Decide that you will be happy!
No matter how strong the pressure is.
Do it the way you want to
Maintain your dignity
= Stop being humble
What is not good enough is not good enough!
By recognizing that,
everyone will be better off
100% Let go of anxiety and worry!
Believe in yourself
Make your goals clearer!
Choose your third pillar by intuition
What you find enjoyable!
A business that your staff can get moving
Strong marketing
Running ads
Organize projects
Decide on a leader for coaching!
New Wave
A new vision!
Contact Cycle
New Contacts
Birth of a New Leader
People interested in the social environment!
Arrow #1
Growth 61% more growth!
Target demographics
Teamwork and
Increase everyone's marketing expertise
It's hard to go it alone
For a business partner to appear (i.e., a man)
Need for learning
Flexibility in assignments
Use the right brain more. Imagine. Meditation. Images.
Listen to team ideas!
Separate dependencies
Work demands
Push it forward as part of your job.
Avoid product overload.
The reason we don't accomplish this is because
we must return to business-led education
Automate revenue
Communicate greatness!
Imagine it!
Educate upper management
to excel and do it well.
Radio is the way to go
Someone related to radio.
Going on the Cutting Edge.
Do it before telling others to.
Something is going to happen in October.
How rare〜〜〜〜
Your performance will
make things better!
For those interested, please join the open chat
Open Chat "Interesting Time Waver experiences"
An event that a friend of mine has put together 〜〜〜
Sounds interesting〜〜〜
I signed more books〜