Yesterday, in the basement of Spiral
I had a book publication anniversary,
and birthday, karaoke contest combined! (lol)
↓↓↓I sang again↓↓↓
This was put in the entrance・・・

Thank you for coming all the way!
Shibuya 1-chome Chorus Group
Performance from practice!
Thank you very much!
The Shibuya 1-chome Chorus has
practice once a month.
A monthly fee of about 2,200 yen is charged for participation.
The months you don't particpate is free.
A recording of each practice is sent to you.
If you want to join, please join the open chat
Thank you so much, everyone who joined us!
The karaoke by the winners of the janken (rock-paper-scissor) competition
was also an exceptional time!
We sure sang〜〜
Yesterday from morning I went to Hoshida Myoken Shrine!!!
We arrived early in the morning
It felt sooooo good there〜〜〜
Congratulations on your wedding.
Ms. Akiko and Mr. Inuzuka
Thank you so much!
"Minami-Yamazaki" in Osaka
It was so interesting〜〜〜
The excited messages from those attending don't stop coming~~!
For information on the archive sales
from the other day in Tokyo and Osaka
If you want to get information,
please join the open chat
Open Chat "MinamiYamazaki"
"Minami-Yamazaki Awaji Island Retreat" is sold out!
I received this photo from Karatsu!!
Thank you!
Talk to you again〜〜〜
What's going on oh Japanese yen〜〜
What is happening Japanese yen〜〜〜