Sunday, March 3, 2024

Let us take you on a journey that will change your perspective on life-- "The Island Retreat"


Let us take you on a journey that will change the way you look at life.

We will be bringing back 

the TK Bali Tour that we have been doing for 

 more than 20 years.


The "Island Retreat"


This time it will be held for 4 nights and 6 days,

starting July 1.


More detailed information will be coming soon. 

Please send the information to your friends who are interested in this event.


We will start our trip from Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka.

There is alot of negotiating happening, and

I have a feeling that it will be a very satisfying trip for everyone.

The theme is

Healing and Change

We also have a 

Tropical White 🤍Party planned.

Please enjoy.


We are also planning a limited number of people who can join


Takumi Yamazaki's direct

"business coaching" seminar. 


This seminar will be held at the same time.

Participation fee is 50,000 yen (tax not included).

A diploma will also be issued.

Coaching & Counseling

Q&A, in-person consultations ...

It will be a customized format for each participant.

For those who do not have a business plan, 

we will also provide suggestions.


The lecture will be held in the morning for 4 days.

to also give you time to enjoy Bali Island while you are there. 


On the mornings of July 2, 3, 4, and 5...

And at noon on the 1st, 

we are planning to go together for an interesting experience.


We will let you know the details as soon as possible.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact 

our staff Ban




The system in your brain that attracts

How to active your RAS



Gratitude Work


I am sincerely grateful to so-and-so. 

The reason is because it because such-and-such.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.




Group share.


When the RAS gets activated to anxiety

you notice all the things that make you anxious, 

and things that make you anxious will happen. 

When the RAS is set on Gratitude・・・

When the RAS is set on Joy・・・

When the RAS is focused on Miracles・・・




We'll do this tomorrow morning!



February was a difficult month. 


But at the very end of the month, we had a big turnaround,

I am very grateful to all of you for your support.


I am truly grateful to all of my group for

their spirit of never giving up and

and the power of my friends and team. 

Thank you very much!


March has started.

I hope to bring the insights I gained in February 

along with me into March in a good way!


 【Takumi Yamazaki】


Culmination of all things recent!


Based on other people's axis?

There are many types of you, aren't there?



Our "power lunch" was exactly that! It was powerful! 

We did a youtube recording with OYUSAN〜


Thank you for gathering from morning.

Thank you for your help, everyone in all the areas!

Surprise! (laughs)

Happy Birthday Kumie〜〜〜

Shimaminami's first solo exhibition, Osaka!



We enjoyed this last night. 



I enjoyed doing the recording with Akiyan〜〜〜



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s