Saturday, February 24, 2024

Choosing "ease". Choosing what "relaxes the body." and surrendering.


From July 1 for 4 nights

TK Bali tour will be held 

from July 1st for 4 nights! 

We will keep you posted on the details!

Please put it in your schedule!

Legendary Journey, TK Bali Tour!


The morning glow arrived from Australia!

Thank you very much, 73.



Being in the forest for 

2-4 hours for 3 days

increased the body's natural killer cells by 40%

And the effects lasted for 1 month...


Just by touching the trees

Brain waves become calmer


Life is made of placebo effect


Laughing boosts your immune system


Always choosing "ease." 

Choose to "relax".

And surrender.



The moment you put your hand on your heart

your brain waves go into theta. 

And that affects people around you. 

The person who is listening also tunes in

to the same frequency as the person talking. 



helps you become grounded




Community Name

MinamiYamazaki Open chat



Information available here!

【In Tokyo】

March 10th (Sun) 

【Osaka venue】

April 28th (Sun) 

We may also host a retreat in Awaji island in June?!



We are united not by love but by compassion


this is sinking in....

↓↓↓↓ CHAT GPT says ↓↓↓↓


The phrase "united not by love but by compassion" expresses the importance of not just affection but also deep understanding, empathy, and compassion in our relationships with others. While affection is often based on emotional bonds and attraction, compassion comes from understanding and empathy for the suffering of others and the desire to alleviate that suffering.


This concept may be applied not only in interpersonal relationships, but also in broader social and international relations. It is said that compassion can be the basis for overcoming conflict and discord and building more peaceful and cooperative relationships. Whereas love focuses on personal feelings, compassion is based on a more universal spirit of understanding and support.


The phrase can also be interpreted as suggesting an ideal or attitude to aim for, not only in personal relationships, but also in social and religious contexts. Compassion is a central value in many religious and philosophical teachings, encouraging deep concern for others and selfless action

I asked, What is compassion



Compassion (jihi) refers to a movement of the heart or act of feeling deep compassion for the suffering of others and attempting to alleviate that suffering. This concept is characterized by going beyond simply feeling sorry for others and involves actions that actively seek to alleviate the suffering of others. Compassion arises from a willingness to offer unconditional love and support based on empathy and understanding between oneself and others.


Compassion plays an important role in the teachings of many religions and philosophies. For example, in Buddhism, compassion is a very important teaching and is understood as infinite compassion for all living beings. In Christianity, it is closely related to the concept of love of neighbor and is seen as an act of deep love and empathy for others. And in Islam, one of the most important attributes of God (Allah) is "merciful," and believers are encouraged to reflect this divine quality.

Compassion  is not only an emotional aspect, but also a guide for ethical and moral behavior. Sensitivity to the suffering of others and a positive attitude toward alleviating it are the foundation for building an empathetic and compassionate society. Through compassion, people can move beyond self-centeredness and contribute to building a more inclusive and supportive community.



To alleviate the suffering of others and 

provide a state of ease?!




Yes, that is correct. The spirit or action of compassion focuses on understanding the suffering of others and alleviating or relieving that suffering. This means not merely not turning a blind eye to suffering or offering compassion, but actually offering substantial assistance to help the person cope with the problems he or she is facing and bring him or her to a better, easier state.


Compassion-based actions can help a person who is suffering by offering concrete assistance, spiritual support, or simply a kind word or comfort. Examples include offering financial assistance to someone in a difficult situation, listening to their spiritual concerns, or helping someone with a physical disability in their daily life.


Compassion goes beyond alleviating suffering to finding solutions to a person's problems. It aims to promote a person's inner peace and help him or her to overcome life with greater ease. Compassion is an act that springs from a deep love and respect for others and is key to bringing people together and building a better society.



Yesterday we talked about. 


Life has no meaning.


This world is

Someone else's game.

The struggle between "pain" and "ease"!

Life itself has no meaning


Sapporo nights・・・

And Sapporo mornings!

Flying from a world of minus 10 degrees Celsius to Matsuyama!


Sapporo → Matsuyama → Hiroshima



A great power comes from the heavens.

Connect the hose from that great power to yourself,

The way to exert your power by not using your own power, but by letting yourself be close to the power from the heavens.

We had a fun time!

Thank you so much! 
Yoko Yamauchi, I'm sorry I couldn't meet you〜〜〜〜

Thank you for the treatment!

Then I went to Hiroshima〜〜〜

I was thankful to him for nodding at the right timing, which empowered me! 

There's work like this?!



I'll be on this radio! 
Hope you'll listen in!

YUKO, thank you! 

I received a consultation〜

Thank you!

For those interested in my art, please join here

Will be in Fukuoka in April too!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s